Greetings friends!
It is almost time to enjoy that Thanksgiving stuffing, but that is a whole week away. We have here is that we are “stuffing” so many events into so few days. I already feel like we are out of time to get ready for Thanksgiving and December. But we are going to give it a valiant try. First- Congratulations to Tresetti’s for 25 years making downtown Modesto taste better. Stop by Wednesday for the party. I and my MoBand board will be raising money with our red kettles at the Salvation Army Kettle Kick off. If you are going to donate to Salvation Army, hook up with me at and I will be glad to accept your donation on behalf of MoBand Big exciting news this week is that Modesto on Ice is opening Saturday! You can reserve skate times and fill out your forms at All Skate! Tom Petty fans will enjoy a tribute at the Gallo Center Friday and Oakdale native and world famous musician Brett Dennen will be performing at the State Theatre Saturday night benefitting Camp Jack Hazard. Don’t miss your chance to see Brett in this cool intimate venue. Can you say Latke and Vodka? I knew that you could. This annual Jewish celebration is happening Saturday at Congregation Beth Shalom. Don’t miss out. And finally, you Handel Messiah fans, the big sing-a-long is back after a hiatus. Get your score and sing the solos and have some fun on Sunday.
Wow, that was one jam packed big run-on paragraph and it doesn’t even make a dent in what is happening. You need to check out our amazing event calendar at before you leave your home or office. If you haven’t sent us your event listing for the holidays or New Years, you better email it to us at this very second.
We need your coats! Please bring your new or gently used coats the Barking Dog Friday evening at 7pm. The Interfaith Ministry will be there collecting and we can use all you have. PLUS, there will be an amazing concert featuring Patty Castillo Davis, Steve Ashman, Joe Barretta, Dave Rogers, Gary Nelson, Tim Allen and me playing some Beatles. Hope you can make it.
Enjoy the fall leaves, tastes and flavors this week and I hope to see you out and about Modesto.
– Chris Murphy
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By Chris Murphy
There are many ways to help those that need it the most during the holidays. You don’t need to have a lot to give a little. Everyone can help in some way. Here are a couple of ways you can make a difference. We like the Salvation Army because over 85% of all funds received go directly to those in need and all are served without discrimination. The best way to help those in need is NOT to give to people in the streets but to give to organizations that do the most good in the right places. The Salvation Army serves this way and you can be assured that your dollars actually go to food and shelter. Read More
Singer-Songwriter View:
By Patty Castillo Davis
The wind-down is upon us. The reflection is on the horizon.
The blessings are counted, inventory is taken at holiday time as to where we might be without our fortunate favor and luck. Maybe this is the first time you get the chance to pay it forward, return the favor and elevate someone who doesn’t have your opportunities. There will be many chances to be a part of the giving season, to spread the love- to share the warmth. Read More
Tresetti’s World Café at 25
By Chris Murphy
In 1994 downtown Modesto was a different place. The big department stores were gone, the theatres were dark and many businesses were boarded up. But this was about to change. At the same time the State Theatre was being restarted, long-time restaurateurs Mitch and Tammy Maisetti and Paul Tremayne would open the aptly named Tresetti’s. (TREmayne & maiSETTI) They created the World Café and Wine Shop and it helped lead the revival of excellent downtown dining, supported the growth of the arts, and encouraged a new wave of new restaurants in downtown Modesto. Read More
Go Modesto: Handel’s Messiah
After a one-year hiatus, the annual sing-along performance of G.F. Handel’s “Messiah,” a Modesto tradition, will return on Sunday, November 24. Singers of all ages and abilities are invited to participate in the community-wide event, which is free and open to the public, and will take place at 3 p.m. at Trinity United Presbyterian Church, Read More
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If your event is not on this list, please email it to and check out calendar at before you leave the house. Read More
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Thanks for reading, Middagh Goodwin, ModestoView Senior Editor.
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