Happy December Friends!
Did you every stop and look around and wonder how fast we got here? It is time to flip the switch, turn on the holiday lights and get in that classic Rockin’ Holiday spirit. Do you ever dream of a White Christmas? Well we do, and it is so fun to celebrate the 85th birthday of the State Theatre in the classic snowy winter featuring the Strut Performing Arts dancers. We are only days away from the lighting of Rockin’ Tree, the Celebration of Lights Candyland parade, the Dickens Faire, Breakfast with Santa and more. It may be rainy off and on, but please plan on joining us no matter what in 10th St Plaza Saturday evening after the parade and dig the sounds of the 191st Army Band as they do their classic Holiday show. Of course, it is ALL SKATE at Modesto On Ice and ModestoView is proud to be a sponsor and check out the Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group Skate Shack too. It is great to support these local events that bring our community together.
Today is Giving Tuesday and we hope that you are showing our local non-profits some love as many of these are working hard to make their programs work, helping people in need and they need your help. There is also still time to sign up to Ring the Bell for Salvation Army, so get your family or friends together and sign up for a time and one of the many locations around town.
You had better sit down right now with our amazing new December ModestoView, always out on time on the 1st, and plan out your holiday season. There is so much going on, you better block your time or you will miss something. This week we enjoy John Tesh at the Gallo Center, celebrate the Rat Pack with Matt Henderson and Friends on Thursday afternoon at a FREE show at the State and dig on the new Warren Miller ski film at the State on Friday as we ramp up to Rockin’ Holiday. You can settle down on Sunday and enjoy the Ernie Bucio Big Band’s Christmas show at MJC. So much fun for the whole family. And of course, you need try the various holiday cocktails like the Grinchtini at Fuzio, or the Caramel Apple at Ralston’s Goat, Holiday Mule at Tresetti’s or the Irish Elf at P. Wexford’s. Yum.
So stay warm, stay dry, enjoy our city and make sure you get out and about and enjoy this time with friends and family.
We wish you all a wonderful holiday season and hope to see you out and about.
Chris Murphy – chrism@modestoview.com
P.S. If you get a chance, here is my December ModestoView Greeting. Let me know what you think.
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The BigView: Home for the Holidays
By Chris Murphy
Sitting by the fire, hot cocoa with whipped cream and peppermint schnapps, stockings on the mantel, holiday parties; so many things can make you feel at home. Maybe watching like one of the iconic holiday movies of all time, White Christmas or Christmas Vacation. To me, “home” isn’t necessarily literally sitting on your couch, but it’s the feeling you have when you are with friends, out to dinner, enjoying a coffee, catching a vintage movie, Read More
Chef View
By Chris Murphy
Tye Bauer and the New Bauer’s Downtown Gastropub
It is all about the taste, and it is all about the care that goes into the unique foods that are served up as specialities. Tye Bauer has been a champion of hand-made flavors, competed on network TV cooking shows and delivered fantastic tastes on the Diners, Drive-ins and Dives show. But make no mistake, every journey to his restaurants is a culinary tour that you will not soon forget. Read More
Big Band Christmas!
By ModestoView
Modesto Junior College Foundation in collaboration with the Modesto Junior College Arts Division presents Ernie Bucio’s Little Big Band for a Very Merry Big Band Christmas on Sunday, December 8 at 2 p.m. in the Main Auditorium on the East Campus. Join us for a festive afternoon of Christmas music…BIG BAND JAZZ STYLE! Tickets are $10 and all proceeds Read More
Giving for the Holiday
By ModestoView
There is always time and there is always something extra we can do for those in need. It really doesn’t matter how or why, but we need to give when we can and this season when it is cold and people are hungry, we can do just a bit more. Here are some ways you can help out. Read More
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If your event is not on this list, please email it to events@modestoview.com and check out calendar at modestoview.com before you leave the house. Read More
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Thanks for reading, Middagh Goodwin, ModestoView Senior Editor.
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