Holiday Greetings Friends!
Thank you to all that came out for opening night of Rockin’ Holiday. It was an exciting day, with the Dickens Faire, the Celebration of Lights Parade and then the spectacular Rockin’ Tree lighting with the new improved Rockin’ Snow. Tons of people braved the rain to enjoy the fun and listen to the US 191st Army Band and hundreds of kids met Rockin’ Santa and got candy canes, all for free, thanks to the amazing Rockin’ Holiday sponsors. We are bringing that classic holiday back to downtown Modesto at the Rockin’ North Pole for all to enjoy thanks to our great teammates and sponsors. Check out to see pictures and see all of the sponsors.
This week is is full holiday wonderfulness as the Christmas and Holiday parties get going and we get ready for the annual Nutcracker show at the Gallo Center. So many people go every year as a tradition and the trees in the Gallo lobby make for great family picture. Rockin Holiday returns Thursday night with the Ernie Bucio big band and Tiffany Rose and the Outlaw Hearts, then we have Blues Box Zydeco Christmas show on Friday night. Don’t miss the Ugly Sweater Pub Crawl Friday night and Santa Con is Saturday night. Do not lose your tickets to the sold-out ILL LIST Poetry Slam at the State Saturday night. This is a super fun night of verbal head to head combat. Can’t wait to hear the winning poem. ModestoView is proud to be the returning sponsor for this event produced by our friends Sam Pierstorff and Ruhi Sheikh.
What is Modesto all about? What is our brand? What is our future? How do we really communication Modesto’s unique and special message? Mike Daniel of Final Cut Media is launching a new podcast series tackling this question, and I am proud to be the first guest. Lot’s more to come on this. Find this podcast on
So many fun things happening, please check out our amazing “Best in the 209” calendar of events at If your event is not on our calendar, please send info ASAP for New Years, festival, boutique, music or other events to Chanukah celebrations begin on December 22.
We look forward to seeing you all out and about and wish you the happiest of holiday seasons. Say hello if you get a chance and let me know your thoughts about ModestoView at
Chris Murphy
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