
Greetings Modesto Fans

Greetings Modesto Fans!

I love fall! I love the chill in the air, the freshness, the dark mornings with a cup of coffee and the feeling of the fall giving season. This is the fundraiser season where we all get together to help good causes and really lend a hand. Modesto is so unique and really bands together to make sure our neediest are assisted and our arts and culture programs are preserved. This is what makes Modesto different than so many people. We get to know one of the most giving couples and ask what motivates them and any tips they may have for others that want to lend a hand,

We have just come off one of the most exciting months! October is the MAMA Season and we celebrate the musical talent and the network of venues and events that allow our musicians to do their thing. This is something that we have to make a priority. Modesto needs to be known for live music! Rock and roll is in our veins, from the first slappin’ bass of Rockabilly by Fred Maddox in 1937 to Chester Smith and then in 1958 with Kent Whitt and the Downbeats, leading in 1962 to the Chancellors with Michael Allsup of Three Dog Night to the Ratz,Collage, Lights, Flying Blind and Grandaddy in the 2001 and now Not An Airplane and up and comers like Josh Rosenblum and High Voltage. This needs to be a civic priority. We need places to play, easy permits and ordinances that allow live music.

The 100 year-old Modesto Arch is now lit, thoughtfully restored by an amazing group of volunteers and donors. It is beautiful and the celebration in the streets of Modesto had everything, 100 years of cars, MoBand, Faros, and thousands of people counting down to light the hundreds of LEDs. This is a “can do” kind of town.

Fall is a “can do” kind of time and we can all accomplish so much. We are coming up on Veterans Day and thousands of people will get together to run on Thanksgiving morning in theTurkey Trot. We win when we do things together. That is what ModestoView is all about, getting people together to see the good in our city, see the possibilities in our city and tapping in to the talent and the creativity of the people that live here.

Thanks for being a ModestoView reader and thanks for spreading the good wood. Remember to send me your comments and ideas to make ModestoView even better. Have a great Thanksgiving and thanks for giving.

Chris Murphy Publisher