
GreetingsView – November

Greetings Modesto friends,

I am truly thankful that I live here in Modesto USA. Now that we’re coming off this crazy political season, it’s time to put all of our collective heads together and make sure we are celebrating everything that’s positive about the place we live in. We need to focus on what we can do to make our community better. We need to energize our friends and family to help create things that improve our community. With the rains come revitalization and freshness. The winds and the storms bring in a fresh new breeze of energetic new ideas. The fall smells and colors truly invigorate.

We make who we are. We create our own city and that’s why this month we are celebrating the people that make, create, invent, produce and deliver on the things that come from our hands and share them with the community. ModestoView is special as our ViewCrew is made up of the people that actually create events and art in our area and I am so grateful for their contribution. We also can’t forget our veterans in the role that they play keeping us all collectively safe. We celebrate the talent of our local music community by launching a new MAMA record label so that their talent has a voice and we broadcast to the rest of the world. We have the excitement of Modesto On Ice, ModShop and we ramp up into Rockin’ Holidays. There are some truly magical events on the horizon. We need you to help amplify these messages, sharing on Facebook so that the rest of the world sees what we see.

Most of all I am thankful for my family. I have the most amazing kids. Every day I remind myself how lucky I am to have them all in my life. My amazing wife Rebecca who puts up with all this ModestoView craziness but understands that we are creating a community that we want. I am looking forward to being a neighbor in
In my new neighborhood and celebrating the daily experience that is Modesto USA.

ModestoView is for you, make sure you tell us what you like, what you don’t like and how we can make this a better experience for you. If you haven’t downloaded our ModestoView Ap to your phone or tablet, do it today and you will be hooked up in all the good things happening and you won’t miss a thing.

Thanksgiving is a time of friendship and family and we think about that this month as we drive, fly and ride to be with family. And don’t forget on Thanksgiving weekend, think local and “shop small” when you are out shopping and patronize the local businesses that we have. Let’s keep our dollars here at home to make our community strong. The wonderful businesses that advertise in ModestoView help make it possible to bring this good ModestoView message to you every single month.

We are very thankful that we can be 100% positive 100% local and 1% good for our community because every day ModestoView is focused on “serving civic pride daily”. I am so very thankful for you our readers without you none of this would be happening at all. Thanks to you and the ViewCrew and hope to see you all soon at a local show, at a local restaurant or volunteering in the greater Modesto area.

Have a fantastic month,

Chris Murphy
Publisher & Founder, ModestoView<>