
GreetingsView – I Love Modesto

Greetings Friends,

Maybe you didn’t know this, but I love Modesto. I didn’t always, and it took a long time and a different perspective after leaving and travelling around this planet. Sometimes it takes a different set of eyes. You know, like when you’ve known someone a long time and things change so you see them differently? Or maybe you felt love at first sight? Maybe you had that magic moment where you knew that it was the right thing? You can feel that way about people, a song and even your city. What I have learned about loving your city, is the more you get involved, learn about things, plan some events and really become part of the fabric, that’s when you can really feel the love, But at the end of the day, what’s love got to do with it and what does it all mean?

Part of really loving your community is to really try to understand and involve all of different cultures and genres so you really feel that cosmopolitan experience. Cosmopolitan doesn’t have to be all hoidy toidy, but it can be the rich experiences that make life interesting and create variety. For example, we have an amazing African American community here in Modesto and as February is Black History Month, we wanted to reach out to our friends at the King Kennedy Center and the innovative Sankofa Repertory group what is presenting Raisin in the Sun this month at the Gallo Center. It is really important that Modesto embraces all of our cultures, engaging them all in the mainstream and making sure we all take part and understand. When this happens, we will truly have a city that gives and gets love.

Part of loving our community is teamwork and working for the greater good. This month, we interview the new US Representative Josh Harder so we can bring prosperity to CA-10 and no matter who you supported, it is time to team up to make our community better.

But the most love in the world I have is for my family and February is so special as both Madison and Abigail were born in February. Both girls were given Feb 14 due dates, but they fortunately they spread it out a bit, but they were still Valentine’s babies to Becky and me. The family network is so very special, but it is key to remember, as in all things in life, you have to give to get love and true love comes from honesty and trust. Without that there can’t be true love and sometimes you have to let things go to find real happiness.

My friends and my family are my happiness and I am so very grateful for all of you that make Modesto area living so special. I can’t thank enough the local businesses that we work with that are our friends and together we all make Modesto a place to love and can publish ModestoView and get it out to so many people. When you do business with friendship, trust and honesty, things go right and that’s why we are here.

Hope you find your special moments and your special places and make those Modesto memories and connections that will last a lifetime.

Thank you for sharing your time with ModestoView.
Best to all,

Chris Murphy
Founder and Publisher, ModestoView<>