
Help Shape Modesto¹s Future

Help Shape Modesto’s Future! Public Workshop- General Plan Amendment

The City of Modesto Planning Commission will host a series of three (3) public workshops in order to solicit public input regarding the General Plan Amendment (GPA) project. The General Plan establishes policy direction regarding Modesto’s future growth and development, and the City is currently working on a GPA project to update and modernize the General Plan, which was last updated comprehensively in 1995. The GPA project, which is not a comprehensive update, is focused on the land use and transportation elements of the General Plan. The GPA proposes changes to both the land use and street network diagrams. The schedule for the workshop series is as follows:

• Monday- March 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Petersen Event Center (720 12th Street) • Monday- April 15, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the Davis High School “Little Theater” (1200 W. Rumble Road- Park near the tennis courts at Davis Park) • Monday- June 3, 2013 at 6:00 pm at the King-Kennedy Memorial Center (601 Martin Luther King Drive – Mellis Park)

Broad public participation will help ensure that the amended plan reflects the community’s preferences and values to the maximum extent possible. If you should have questions, please contact Brad Wall, AICP, Principal Planner at (209) 577-5273 or by email at You may also contact Patrick Kelly, AICP, Planning Manager at (209) 577-5267 or by email at