
Help Write The Stanislaus Poem

Help write

The Stanislaus Poem. Who: You! Any and all residents of Stanislaus County are welcome to

write a stanza for The Stanislaus Poem!

What: Write a 4-line poem, a quatrain, rhymed or unrhymed, celebrating any aspect of our county. You could write about the land, plants, bird life, your town, the roads between here and there, friends, a Stanislaus memory, Stanislaus history or commerce, your school, your home, anything that celebrates the land and the lives we lead in it.

Submit your quatrain to the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center by emailing it to (email preferred) or by mailing it to the MoSt Poetry Center, PO Box 578940, Modesto, CA 95357. Please include your name and your city of residence and an email or phone number with your submission. The quatrains will be assembled into one collaborative poem which will be printed and distributed around our county. Contributions by groups (classes, Scout troops, civic organizations, etc. are welcome, but the name of each poet must be included.)

TEACHERS: An adaptable K-12+ lesson plan for the Stanislaus Poem is available, written by teachers for teachers. You can get a copy at our website .

Please note: Poems submitted that use offensive language or that are overtly negative about our county will be omitted from the final product, so look for the good around you. Submissions must be appropriate for reading by a general audience which includes children and must be the original, unpublished work of the author.

When: The deadline to submit your quatrain is November 15, 2013. The Stanislaus Poem will be available in April 2014 for National Poetry Month. Up to 300 quatrains will be published in a print edition. All quatrains submitted will be published on the MoSt website.

Questions: Please contact us at Please help spread the word about this project to everyone. Post, resend, and share this flyer. This project is brought to you by the Modesto-Stanislaus Poetry Center.