
InterView – Bob Fores Ride for Mom

InterView By Chris Murphy

Bob Fores, Founder of Ride for MOM

Modesto USA is a great community with lots of opportunity for community involvement. Our city is big enough to attract a sufficient number of people and business to build significant momentum on a project and yet we are small enough to where a brilliant idea that helps our community can be recognized enough to break through to be potentially successful nationwide. Love Modesto is such an example. Recently, the Ride for Mom® event is becoming a more important part of our community culture. The event was inspired by the love and support for a parent that suffered. It is positive event that has connected with many who have had similar experiences. This is just one of many reasons why Modesto is a great place to live and work.

Robert “Bob” Fores is a long time local attorney and partner at the Fores Macko law firm. Bob is a proud and fun family man with his wife Cindi and three grown children. Among other things, Bob is a former Chair of the Board at the Modesto Chamber of Commerce, past President of Modesto Sunrise Rotary Club, a current member of the Gallo Center Board of Directors, and is a Cal Berkeley Alumnus-his wife and daughter are also Cal Bears (Go Bears!). Bob has always found a way to contribute to our community. When he lost his mother a few years ago, Bob was inspired to create an event that would both celebrate her memory and provide a way for the community to come together and have fun while promoting positive lifestyle choices. Let’s learn more about Bob Fores and why Ride for Mom exists today.

ModestoView: You grew up in the east bay area and northern California. How did you find Modesto? Bob Fores: Opportunity. In the late 1980s, Modesto seemed to be a nice place to raise a family where a young lawyer would have an easier time developing a practice than a city like San Francisco where the legal market was more impacted. Modesto was more affordable that San Francisco and appeared to have a culture similar to Sacramento where my wife Cindi grew up.

MV: What made your mom so special? BF: She was supportive and loyal to her family and friends to a fault, smart, witty and caring. She was my Mom!

MV: Now that you have seen the outpouring of support for Ride for Mom, does it make you realize that the experience that your mom went through is perhaps shared by many others? BF: Absolutely. In one form or another, everyone has a “Mom” story. In a larger sense, Mom is someone you know who is close to you, a mom, dad, sibling, or friend, who is sick. In my case, it was my mom. Everyone is connected to someone close to them who has suffered from the scourges of cancer, diabetes or heart disease.

MV: Besides participating in Ride for Mom, what can people do to support these efforts? BF: The best thing people can do is pass the word. This is a totally grass roots and community effort. Specifically, one can register to ride, volunteer, be an exhibitor at our lifestyle fair, or financially contribute. Check out

MV: Is there something for people of all abilities at the Ride for Mom? BF: Yes. That’s one of the cool things about the event. There are easy rides and challenging rides: 10, 30, 72 mile and century routes. It is a ride, not a race. There is also lifestyle fair and lunch. The event occurs on the day before Mother’s Day. The idea is to have fun with family and friends while riding bikes and then having lunch.

MV: This is a great event. Do you feel that this could expand to other cities, locally and nationally? BF: I am flattered that people have suggested this could occur. Conceivably yes. In reality, the event is a simple concept: have fun while promoting the tag “Be Active. Eat Healthy. Live Better.” The model we are developing for staging the event is one that could be repeated anywhere. It is entirely supported on all fronts by volunteers; there is little overhead. Our organizing team is wonderful and the key to the success of the event: they are unbelievably giving, organized and enthusiastic. I hope they all are having as much fun as I am.

MV: As Modestans with college age kids, what do we need to do to create an environment here where we stop the brain drain so that our next generation will return here after college? BF: We need more and better jobs, particularly entry level jobs that will lead to professional development and growth. Young people must have assurances that there will be realistic opportunity for economic advancement. We have a wonderful community but too many of our brightest kids never return.

MV: What personal characteristics of success do you hope that you have passed on to your kids? BF: Working hard, trying hard not to make the same mistake twice, and a commitment to our families, friends and helping our communities,

MV:. You work in downtown. How important is a vibrant downtown to our community? BF: Essential. The identity of our city is defined by its downtown, a visible representation of our city’s image, economic success and quality of life. These factors are critical in business retention and recruitment.

MV: What has been one of your most favorite Modesto experiences? BF: There are many with many great people. Besides my involvement with RFM, one that comes to mind is socializing in our backyard with friends on a seasonable spring evening exaggerating about how many miles I rode that day and how many feet I climbed.

MV: Describe your ideal Modesto day? BF: It begins with a cappuccino, continues with learning that all of my clients hit grand slams that day in their cases, is furthered with a brisk 20 mile ride out in the orchards with my riding partners, and finishes with a BBQ dinner on the patio with Cindi.

MV: And our final question, Beatles or Stones? BF: “I get by with a little help from my friends…” Beatles!

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