
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

InterView – Rosa Escutia-Braaton

By Chris Murphy

If you have been following Modesto politics over the years, you may be aware that there have been some cantankerous times in our recent history. Fast forward to today, you will find a Modesto City Council that works really well together. One of the reasons this is happening is because there are some true professionals new to local government of which some have valuable experience that drive positive change contributing to makingModesto better.

Bringing experience to our local government has so many advantages, such as knowing how to navigate the various different functions of government, getting things implemented and running as well as being a resident so the needs of our community are known. Rosa Escutia-Braaton has such experience and she also has the passion and drive to advocate for Modesto’s families and community.

Rosa has a wide background of experience in leadership positions at a local, state and federal level, including serving as a Gubernatorial Appointee in the Davis and Schwarzenegger administrations. She has also managed strategic communications for several state agencies, including workforce development programs; and programs that focused on the prevention of sexual harassment and discrimination. Those experiences have informed her work on the Council, building the foundation for her focus on improving communication in the community and strengthening the City of Modesto’s economic outlook. The youngest child of an immigrant family from Mexico, Councilmember Escutia-Braaton earned a B.A. in Communications from California State University, Sacramento.

She currently serves as one of Modesto representatives to StanCOG to improve our transportation infrastructure. A big part of her campaign platform was to make our local government work for our citizens and work together well. She has kept her promise, in that we can all agree that this current city council is one of the best functioning we have had in a long time. Rosa has been a champion for our local cultures and events and has been there to support Modesto’s Legends of the Cruise and so much more. Let’s get to know Rosa.

ModestoView: What made you want to get into public service originally?
Rosa Escutia-Braaton: This came naturally for me given that I have always seen value and received gratification in serving others. However, being very familiar with the nuances of elected office having worked for and been around other elected officials, choosing to run for public office was not on my radar. But when an opportunity presented itself to represent my district in the City council I felt all my past professional experience and where I was at in my personal life came full circle in me being able to add value and be part of the solution to the challenges I saw facing Modesto.

MV: It is so great that you stepped up to serve here on the Modesto City Council. What do you think we can do to get more people engaged in our community solutions?
REB: Wanting to be part of community solutions resonates so much with me…It has motivated my being Chair for the City’s Appointments Committee. I would strongly encourage any and all who want to be part of the solution to consider applying to one of the many City advisory boards, commissions, and/or committees. There is something for all interests: housing, airport, culture, disabilities, equity, entertainment, golf, preservation, youth and more. Go to for more information on how to apply.

MV: Modesto has so much to offer and really has a cool story, how do we better use this to attract new young talent and new companies to town?

REB: Indeed Modesto has a lot to offer not only those that live in Modesto; but, those individuals and companies seeking to relocate here. One of the most important initiatives that will help drive interest in this area is Modesto’s General Plan Update. The General Plan Update will include our communities shared vision of what we want Modesto to be in the future. It will be informed by all those wanting to provide input into the process. This is particularly important for our younger population given that they are our second largest age demographic and growing.

MV: Having raised kids here in Modesto, what do you think we need to do better to support our local families?
REB: Its takes a village. And in my opinion families thrive when they are surrounded by a community that cares for each other and their neighbor. Families can overcome tremendous obstacles and adversities when they know they are not alone.

MV: You have an amazing special needs son, do you think that our community is designed and prepared to be inclusive to those that need assistance?
REB: Thank you for acknowledging Luke. And, yes…I do agree that he is amazing. I think every community, and Modesto is no different, can benefit from having improved and more inclusive amenities for this sector of our community. I am delighted that Modesto is home to the Miracle League and the future home for Awesome Spot! These are just two spaces that offer a fun alternative to a special sector of our community that don’t always have many options.

MV: How is working at the city level, different that what you did in Sacramento.
REB: I very quickly noticed the differences in the two cities employment cultures with Sacramento being so government sector driven vs. Modesto being heavily influenced by agriculture. It was a refreshing change of pace for me and one that I continue to enjoy.

MV: If you had an unlimited budget, what would you do for Modesto that would be a game-changer?
REB: I would build a University. Education is the great equalizer. It is one of the things that nurtures a talented and desired workforce. It is one of the attractions for economic growth and vitality. It affords a greater chance at opportunities to individuals that otherwise might be disenfranchised.

MV: What is one of your favorite Modesto community events?
REB: I truly love all of Modesto’s cultural events! From the Cinco De Mayo events, to the MLK parade, to the Portuguese Festival, the middle eastern events, to the Indian Festival of Colors…what they all have in common is they celebrate the traditions, food, music, and beautiful diversity we have in Modesto.

MV: If you had to pick only one way you have positively impacted someone else”s life what would it be?
REB: If I had to pick only one thing I would say that it was when I volunteered to donate life-saving bone marrow to a six-year old that had life-threatening leukemia. 10 years later she is healthy, happy and we continue to enjoy a close relationship with each other. It is so simple! I would encourage others to consider signing up in the national bone marrow registry.

MV: You know that I am a huge Graffiti history fan, how important is our classic car culture to our future?
REB: Very important. One of the things that makes Modesto unique is its classic car culture…of course connecting it forever to our American Graffiti roots. Letting this past time die is in part closing a chapter to one of the things that makes Modesto unique to the world. It is important for us to continue to support what makes Modesto special and unique while balancing limited resources and other competing interests.

MV: Describe your ideal day in Modesto.
REB: Enjoying some type of outside activity with my family and hearing my boys laugh.

MV: Beatles or Stones?
REB: Impossible to answer :/ But if I must…I would say the Beatles. Undeniably both were talented; but, the Beatles were a little more tame with regard to their parting ways :~

We all can make a difference. Please speak up and voice your comments and ideas.
You can contact Rosa Escutia-Braaton at<>