

Love Modesto Is Coming
No matter who you are, there is something you (your family, friends, business, congregation, group, etc.) can do to Love Modesto! This is one of the most amazing days of the year here in Modesto where thousands in our community all get together to lend a hand and show Modesto some love. Hopefully, this engages people to Love Modesto all year long and create projects that are sustainable. If it is just you on your own, or if you have a group, there is something you can do and a project that will fit what you like. Most of these projects are done by noon, so it is really possible. ModestoView will be supporting the Dry Creek Clean Up and the LaLoma Native Garden. View all projects and sign up for a project soon (before the project you want is full)! There will be a special Kiwanis Club breakfast available and make sure you check out the vendor booths before the projects start.
Share Love Modesto with all those you know and invite them to Love Modesto
April 25 8 am 11th and I St