
MAMAView: A Call for MAMAnees

MAMAView: A Call for MAMAnees
By Middagh Goodwin

23 years ago Chris Murphy and Chris Ricci had discussed a vision over lunch at Harvest Moon to celebrate our local musicians and the Modesto Area Music Awards were born. The first year was held at Club Max at the then Red Lion Hotel(now the DoubleTree by Hilton). 7 MAMA Awards, all handmade out of Mrs. Butterworth bottles by Rebecca Murphy were given out. By year 2 the awards show had already outgrown Club Max and was moved to the State Theatre(which has been the home of the MAMAs for most of the last 20-plus years: being held at the DoubleTree Ballroom, FatCat and Gallo in 2007 its inaugural year.)

It is that time of year that we start gearing up for the Modesto Area Music Awards where we celebrate the performers and the places that host live music. As always we want to know who you think is deserving of taking home a coveted stainless steel car hop trophy. We had nearly 2 years off with limited to no live entertainment, the MAMA ceremony came back last year with a stripped-down lean and mean ceremony and we are ready to do it again at the State in October.

Just an FYI, asking your fans and family members to send emails saying you should be nominated, does not move the needle in your favor. We are looking for input from venue owners and staff, promoters, performers, sound and stagehands. Feel free to throw your hat in the ring but please give us your picks of who should be going up against you or your favorites in the other categories. What acts have you seen or played with that really stood out? This input is invaluable in helping narrow down the field in each category and determining who will go onto online voting.

Voting is scheduled to go live at the beginning of September and it will close at 11:59 pm on October 16th the Sunday before the Awards Show. Once again the MAMAs will take place at the historic State Theatre on Tuesday, October 18th. MAMAnees and their guests(one per) are invited to attend the Modesto Area Music Awards at no charge to celebrate and cheer on each other.

The event will be live streamed by Central Valley TV on the ModestoView website to thousands of viewers around the world. I hope you will take the time and check out and check out the nominees and please vote. Most importantly, make a point to go see live music as it is one of the things that make Modesto vibrant. Please join Modesto in celebrating Modesto area music.

Email your list of #MAMAnees to 

Name, URL or Social Media and Genre