
MJC hosts Career and Technical Education Open House March 16

MJC hosts college wide Career and Technical Education Open House

Modesto Junior College invites the business community and the public to a Career Technical Education (CTE) Open House on Thursday, March 16, 5 – 7 p.m. in the Agriculture Center for Education (ACE) Pavilion located on West Campus, 2201 Blue Gum Avenue, Modesto. The event and on campus parking are free for the evening.

The CTE Open House is aimed at introducing business, industry and the public to the CTE faculty and programs at MJC. The event will include information tables, displays and demonstrations provided by MJC’s CTE programs.

CTE is education and training that directly prepares students for high demand careers in a broad cross section of fields. These programs provide students with classroom and applied lab learning, licensing and industry certification and work-based learning opportunities outside the classroom. MJC offers the following CTE programs, which have been invited to participate in the open house:

Protective Service and Public Service Pathways:
Administration of Justice
Emergency Medical Technician
Fire Science
Human Services
Child Development

Agriculture Pathways:
Agriculture Business
Agriculture Science
Animal Science
Environmental Horticulture
Mechanized Agriculture
Natural Resources/Forestry
Plant Science
Veterinary Technician Program

Health Pathways:
Associate Degree Nursing
Certified Nurse Assistant
Nursing – LVN to ADN Pathway
Medical Assisting
Pharmacy Technician
Respiratory Care

Engineering and Industrial Pathways:
Auto Body Collision Repair
Automotive Technology
Automation Technician
Electro Mechanic
Industrial Electronics
Logistics & Supply Chain Management
CNC & Machine Tool Technology
Manufacturing Technology

Business and Information Computer Technology Pathways:
Business Administration
Computer Graphics
Computer Electronics
Computer Science
Office Administration

The open house provides an opportunity to demonstrate to area business and industry, as well as current or potential MJC students, how CTE programs prepare participants for high-wage, high-demand career fields.

“The theme for this year’s CTE month is Celebrate Today, Own Tomorrow,” said Don Borges, dean of Agriculture and Environmental Science at MJC. “CTE is based on strong relationships with the business world and we would like to celebrate these relationships today, while developing new relationships for tomorrow.”

CTE encompasses 94 percent of high school students and 13 million postsecondary students in the United States and includes high schools, career centers, community and technical colleges, four-year universities and more. CTE is a major part of the solution to myriad national economic and workforce problems, such as high school dropout rates, a weakened economy, global competitiveness and massive layoffs. At a time when opportunity for employment is critical, CTE programs in every community help ensure students are equipped with the skills to successfully enter the workforce.

For more information on the CTE Open House call the MJC Agriculture and Environmental Science Division office at 575-6200.

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