
MoBand 100th Season Finale

MoBand Season Finale
Have you been to MoBand Concert in the Park this year during the 100th Anniversary season? I sure hope so. This is one of Modesto’s best treasures that you can share with thousands of your best friends. Grab your picnic basket, some wine, and a great smile and head to Graceada Park on Wednesday July 3 and Thursday July 11 for the last two concerts of the season.
July 3 will be the Fabulous 4th and the season greatest hits formal night will be on the 11th. Music starts at 8 pm. If you want to play in MoBand you need to attend the Monday and Wednesday rehearsals at Mancini Hall on Tuolumne St.

MoBand is 100 Years Exhibit
You can take a walk down memory lane at the 100 years of MoBand exhibit at the McHenry Museum at 14th and I St. Since 1919, the Modesto Band of Stanislaus County has been providing music and teaching new musicians. Over the years, the band has evolved, moved to Graceada Park and has rolled with the times, yet keeping the traditions that we love. Please stop by and see the exhibit.
Learn more and donate to MoBand at