
Modesto HIRE Event – Mar 12

Modesto’s HIREvent: Where Jobseekers Persevere

(Modesto) – Forty years ago, George Lucas debuted his Oscar-nominated movie American Graffitti, which although was initially rejected by numerous financiers, ended up being one of the most profitable films of all time and a cult classic. This Modesto native’s inspirational story of perseverance translates to the job search, which can sometimes be quite daunting. However, with some perseverance and a little inspiration, jobseekers can achieve their career goals. Central Valley jobseekers can find some inspiration at Modesto’s HIREvent on March 12th. This free job fair will feature a variety of the region’s top employers hiring for a wide range of jobs. Whether unemployed, underemployed, or employed but looking to make a change, this event is a great opportunity to establish valuable face-to-face connections with recruiters who are eager to hire! For those who need a little inspiration sprinkled on their resumes, experts will be on site offering free resume critiques. Attendees should come dressed professionally and be ready to have a productive afternoon. Although creating blockbuster movies may not be everyone’s calling, finding a great career match is achievable at Modesto’s HIREvent. This exceptional employment event will be on Tuesday, March 12th from noon to 4pm at the Clarion Inn Conference Center, 1612 Sisk Road. Event sponsors include KCRA 3, KQCA my58, Telemundo 33, Cumulus Media, and Job Journal. For more information, visit or call 888-THE-JOBS.