
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

Modesto USA- The Home of American Graffiti

Modesto USA- The Home of American Graffiti

Tuesday, July 11 is destined to be the day when the Modesto City Council will formally repeal the Ban on Cruising that was implemented in the 1990s. 


Over the last few decades, the “Graffiti Spirit” in Modesto, the home of George Lucas, has become stronger and community-wide.  The annual Graffiti Summer events attract people and classic cars from around the world for car shows, events, concerts, and a Friday night cruise.  The Graffiti USA Museum to celebrate Modesto’s classic car culture is currently under construction on North 9th St, formerly US 99.   


However, normal cruising has been illegal for many years.   


Across California, the Low Rider communities have banded together to bring awareness of the positive aspects of returning cruising to the streets.   Many of these reasons are cultural and come out of the community and family spirit that many of these car clubs share, not only with the Low Rider community but the more traditional classic customs.  Many of these families are multi-generational.


The emphasis of cruising is a community, connections, and pride all wrapped up in “low and slow”.   The Modesto Cruiser Council has been actively working with the Modesto Police Department as well as state actions to repeal cruising bans statewide (AB 436). Other cities like Sacramento and San Jose have successfully returned legal cruising to the streets.   Modesto has successfully tested open cruising nights in the downtown area under Modesto Police observation.   


The emphasis on low and slow is in stark contrast to the illegal side shows and street racing that are not an issue in the low-rider community.  The Cruiser council and supporters stress that this is a far safer way to show community support and cruising should not be connected to dangerous street racing and sideshows. Modesto will be enacting stricter laws enforcement for street show events at the same meeting for public safety.  


The Modesto City Council is scheduled to repeal the ordinance at the July 11 City Council meeting in Council Chambers located at 1010 10th St.

It is the first item on the agenda in regular business following public comment, consent items, proclamations, and awards. The meeting begins at 5:30 pm. There will be classic cars and low riders parked on 10th Street before and during the meeting.


Saturday, July 15, at 10 am, there will be a ceremonial removal of the downtown Modesto “Cruising Prohibited” sign with the Modesto Police Department, City Staff, and members of the cruising community on 10th Street, between J and K.   There will be lowriders and classic cars on 10th St for the sign removal celebration.

Members of the local Cruisers Council will be available for comment. 

Modesto City Council Meeting – July 11

5:30 pm, Modesto City Council Chambers, Basement 1010 10th St. Modesto

The agenda can be viewed at

Modesto Cruising Sign Removal – July 15

10 am, 10th St. Between J & K  Modesto

For further information – Chris Murphy 209-534-1704