
Monday at the StanCoFair



Holiday Inn Express & Suites Night at the Fair! First 1,000 guests receive a free gift from Holiday Inn Express & Suites.


FOODMAXX ARENA: Destruction and Motorhome Derby I at 6:30 PM




COORS LIGHT CENTER STAGE: Adam Bishop 5 PM – 5:45 PM  •  Patty Castillo Davis 6:30 PM – 7:15 PM & 7:45 PM – 8:30 PM  •  Austin James 9:30 PM – 10:15 PM


PG & E COMMUNITY STAGE: Rich Olds 5:30 PM – 6:15 PM  •  Suzy Haner the Hypnotist 7 PM – 7:45 PM & 9:30 PM – 10:15 PM


GREAT AMERICAN PIG RACES:  Weekdays: 5:30 PM, 7:30 PM, & 9 PM  •  Weekends:

1 PM4 PM & 7 PM


SMAGE BROTHERS: Weekdays: 6 PM & 8:30 PM  •  Weekends: 4 PM, 6 PM, & 8:30 PM



  • Dinomania Exhibit: Coming all the way from the Age of Reptiles, these prehistoric giants give aspiring paleontologists of all ages a chance to “bone up” on prehistoric facts.

Weekdays: 5 PM – 11 PM  •  Weekends: 12 PM – 11 PM

    • Presented by Doctors Medical Center & Emanuel Medical Center
  • Innovation Station: Here, one can ignite, build, create, and explore endlessly as high-energy exhibits and demonstrations dazzle the senses and ignite the imagination.

Weekdays: 5 PM – 11 PM  •  Weekends: 12 PM – 11 PM

  • Lowe’s Kids Make-and-Take Projects: Play in the playhouse and build your own souvenir! When you build a free project, you receive a free Lowe’s work apron or tote bag.

Weekdays: 5:30 PM & 7:30 PM  •  Weekends: 3 PM, 5 PM, & 7 PM


EmpowHER Lounge:  The Fair, along with Vintage Faire Mall, Yonan’s Jewelers, Women’s Education & Leadership League (WELL), and TONI&GUY, bring guests a contemporary and inspirational lounge for young women, ages 16 and older.  The empowHER Lounge is geared towards inspiring young girls to be great leaders in our community.

Weekdays: 5 PM – 9 PM  •  Weekends: 2 PM – 9 PM


RECHARGE! LOUNGE:  Guests can relax and charge their iPhones and Android phones in this modern and cozy lounge.

Weekdays: 5 PM – 11 PM  •  Weekends: 12 PM – 11 PM


BABY CARE CENTER, Sponsored by Honey’s Air and Solar:  Parents can utilize this lounge to feed their children, nurse babies, change diapers, or just have a place to relax for the little ones.

Weekdays: 5 PM – 10 PM  •  Weekends: 12 PM – 10 PM


HOURS: Gates open at 5 PM, exhibit buildings close at 11 PM, and carnival closes at 12 AM


WHERE: From Highway 99, exit at Fulkerth Road in Turlock and head east. For Fairgrounds parking, turn right on Soderquist Road, or go past Soderquist for more parking; $8 per vehicle.


ADMISSION: $12 for adults  •  $7 for seniors age 65 and up, as well as children age 7 to 12  •  Free for children age 6 and younger.


INFORMATION: Visit • Call (209) 668-1333 • Follow us on Twitter and Instagram at @stancofair • Find us on Facebook at