MAMAView: New Year Attitude
By Middagh Goodwin
Winter is upon us; many performers are slowing down from constant gigging. However, that does not mean you should take a break; you should redirect your energy so that when the weather gets warmer, and you are back at full steam, you are in front of the eightball, not behind it.
Get creative, work up some new merch designs, shoot a music video, finish those songs you have been working on, and record them. Build a website, clean up your social media, and do a live stream, whether with a full band or just acoustic. Create an EPK(electronic press kit) if you don’t have one, or update the one you have. Take new promo pictures that make you look like the rockstar you want to be.
Start booking those gigs now; you are not the only one looking to fill those prime weekend dates. Create an event page for all your gigs, and make a flyer to share(share, share). No one likes playing in an empty room. When you book a gig out of town, ask the promoter/venue if they have contacts with the local entertainment paper or college/community radio station. Email your shows to them and send all local gigs to so we can add them to the calendar and help spread the word.
Did you know that KCBP 95.5 FM Modesto Community Radio has a broadcast range of about 80-100 miles and plays local music? Email and for consideration. Also, there is KCSS 91.9 FM Stanislaus State radio station Metal bands send your music to Mike Vanek’s online radio station Pirate Flag Radio-WPFR for some East Coast airplay Take a moment to do a Google search for college, community, and online radio stations, and you will find hundreds to submit to.
Assign one or more of these to a band member and have them spend at least an hour a week on their task. Treat your art like a business and enjoy the rewards that you will all share.
Everyone else supports the restaurants, cafes, and bars that host live entertainment and bring a friend to the next show you attend.