Are you crafty? Do you love crafty things?
Drum roll please…..The new super mod crafty creative and amazing November ModestoView is now out on the newstands, on your porches and on-line to read this very second. Click here to read right now! http://www.modestoview.com/the-magazine/
Here is what is happening.
We are so excited to feature the amazing secret agents of hand made craftiness Ruhi Sheikh, Tricia Rosenow and Kate Trompetter! We are excited to be a part of ModShop at the end of Nov and we have loaded this issue with awesome fun things you need to know about for creative & fun fall. ModestoView supports local business and things that are made and created locally. Thanks to Michael J Mangano who brings our amazing covers to life and to the amazing Pete Grimaldi for designing and helping us pull it all together. Read it now at www.modestoview.com
You are all the best! Thanks so much.
Hope you enjoy this issue
Chris Murphy