
Peace Camp in the Sierra June 28-30

37th annual Peace Camp June 28-30

The Modesto Peace/Life Center’s 37th annual Peace Camp in the Sierra will take place on June 28-30 at Camp Peaceful Pines on Clark Fork Rd. off Hwy 108. We’ll enjoy a weekend of workshops, good food, hikes, singing, crafts, talent show, recreation, and stimulating people of all ages in a beautiful mountain setting. Families and individuals are welcome.

Leng Nou will present the Saturday workshop “Courageous Conversations.” The art of civil discourse is quickly fading, and we need more practitioners with this skill set if we want to effectively build community. In this workshop participants will explore the dynamics of a conversation and learn skills to help build their capacity to engage in difficult conversations ranging from political, social, and cultural issues. Participants will learn how developing curiosity and nurturing deep listening skills are practical ways to breach the polarizing rifts in our society. Leng Nou, is a mindfulness practitioner and draws upon her experience as an American Leadership Forum Senior Fellow as well as her time with the Modesto Peace/Life Center.

The Donnell Fire late last summer burned much of the area around Camp Peaceful Pines and along Highway 108 and Clark Fork Road, but the camp was saved.

Camp Peaceful Pines on Clark Fork Road off Hwy. 108 in the Stanislaus National Forest is the venue for Peace Camp. Camp Peaceful Pines features kitchen and bathroom facilities, rustic cabins and platform tents and a cabin for those with special needs. Depending on the number of campers, cabins may be shared. Campers share in meal preparation, cleanup, and other work.

The camp fee covers program, food and lodging for the weekend. Adults are $75 before May 1, $80 before June 5 and $85 after June 5. Young people 18 and under are $55 before May 1, $60 before June 4 and $65 after June 4. Ages 3 and under free. Minors under 18 need to be accompanied by an adult. Partial scholarships and day rates are also available. Donations for scholarships are appreciated. The camp opens with supper at 6:00pm on Friday and closes after the morning workshop on Sunday. Directions and other information will be provided to participants before camp. Registration forms are available online at<> and<> to download and mail. The online registration payment option can be done by searching for Peace Camp 2019 at<>. There will be a wait list if registration becomes full.

Info on camp and scholarships ; Ken, 209-480-4576,<>