
Performing View-Jan 2013

PerformingView by Kay Osborn A Time to Perform in January By Kaye Osborn

Hope your holidays were bright and magical. Can’t believe how quickly 2012 zoomed by! Hello 2013! May it be prosperous and filled with Drama!

My friend, Mark Medina and I, enjoyed interpreting The Giving Tree at Center Stage Conservatory Theater. The all ages show was interactive and memorable. The Conservatory Theater will be doing an all ages show every other month. The show’s length is perfect for children because it involves audience participation, the price is right and is about 40 minutes. After the show, get your picture taken with the actors!

Tracie Sprague and Megan Lynch were so happy to have the show interpreted for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing. It is my wish that more productions would include one interpreted performance for our Deaf community. Guess it is time to do another show with Central Valley Theater for Deaf. I will keep you informed, I promise!

Now let’s see what January has in store for you!

GALLO CENTER FOR THE ARTS DREAMGIRLS Jan. 11-13 5 performances See the movie first at the State Theater on Sunday, Jan. 6 at 1 PM or Tuesday, Jan. 8 at 7 PM, then see the stage production.

MISS NELSON IS MISSING Sunday, Jan. 13 at 2 PM and 4 PM Recommended for grades K-5

ETH-NON-TEC, ASIAN AMERICAN STORY THEATER Sharing the Light: Tales of Wisdom, Stories of Peace Thursday, Jan. 17 at 7 PM


CENTER STAGE CONSERVATORY, LOWER LEVEL STUDIO Baby with the Bathwater by Christopher Durang, directed by Megan Lynch Friday, Jan. 25- Feb. 10. 2013 Tickets $10, Season Ticket Event Helen and John gaze lovingly at their new offspring. Deciding not to rush to conclusions on gender, and too polite to look, decide it is a girl and name it Daisy. While touching on society’s willful blindness to almost any disturbing truth, Durang gives us the pain of dealing with completely inept (or rather insane) parents who mean well, through absurd comedic terms.