

By Kaye Osborn

A Time to Perform in April
Spring has sprung! Many high school drama productions are over, but Modesto Christian will be presenting Willy Wonka at the Gallo Center. Later this summer, you will see amazing YES Company productions. Tis the season for musical and dance recitals. We certainly are fortunate to live in an area that has numerous artistic offerings. Sometimes, I wish I could clone myself so I can attend everything.

Live performances are such a unique experience for each audience. The performers bring their energy to the house and the audience gives their energy to the performers. It is exhilarating! It is memorable! It is thrilling! Imagine you are in a spot light, singing a solo when your pianist’s light unexpectedly turns off! What would you do? Well, this happened during our musical of Sleepy Hollow. The young performer professionally waited quietly for the light to be fixed. Very impressive! The appreciative crowd applauded and the show continued.

Next month, I will be showcasing the Central Valley Youth Harp Ensemble and Candy’s Chorusters. Hope to see you at the theater!

Here’s what happening in our neck of the woods!

Modesto Junior College
Lots of musical offerings including voice, string, jazz band, electronic music, guitar, piano, wind, symphonic, improve, choir, new music and a story telling festival and dance.
576-6776 T-F, noon t- 5 PM

Townsend Opera Players Recital Series #3 & #5
April 12, 14: 7:30 PM
Deva Café Tickets: $10-$25

Gallo Center
Blue Man Group
April 8-9 – 8 PM & 2 PM: Tickets: $59-$99

Come Together: The Beatles Concert Experience
April 9: 7:30 PM: Tickets $25-$45

Willy Wonka
Modesto Christian Performing Arts
April 21, 22, 23

Million Dollar Quartet
April 22-23: 8 PM & 2 PM: Tickets $39-$99

California State University Stanislaus (CSUS)
Opera, jazz, chamber music will be offered during April.
Tickets: 667-3958

April 28 Epsilon Nu Presents “Fun” Raiser-Modesto
Benefits Education Programs of SCOE
5:00 PM drinks, food, drawings
7:00 PM classic movie Breakfast at Tiffany’s
State Theater
Tickets online $25 donation

West Side Theatre, Newman

Who Killed F-Stop Fitzgerald
West Side Players presents their first Radio stage play.
Friday and Saturday, April 22, 23, 2016
7 p.m. $25 includes dinner

This is an engaging radio studio setting with writers of that time period standing at the mic making the past come alive. Come enjoy this Radio Theatre/Dinner Play dressed in your 1920’s/1930’s F. Scott and Daisy Fitzgerald style clothing. Missoula Children’s Theatre production of Peter and Wendy

Peter and Wendy
Saturday, April 30, 2016
3 p.m. and 5:30 p.m.
Cast of 64 local children performing MCT’s version of Peter and Wendy.
Adults $10, Children $5