
PerformingView – Catch a LiveCast

By Kaye Osborn and the View Crew

Greetings to all my theater supporters! This is certainly unprecedented times. Something we haven’t experienced in my lifetime. Many venues have cancelled or postponed their April productions. Some are considering streaming a show for patrons to enjoy in the comfort of their homes. If you have any scheduled shows, hopefully they have contacted you to let you know about the status. Performers have worked hard to learn their blocking, lyrics, lines, etc., but it is important that we come together and follow the guidelines to prevent the possibility of catching this virus or spreading it. Stay safe and hopefully, see you at the theater sometime soon.

Gallo Center for the Arts. Prospect Theatre, State Theatre
Many shows have been rescheduled or cancelled. If you have tickets for April, Gallo will notify you about the shows’ status and options for exchanges, refunds and other choices. During April, you can purchase gift certificates for the Gallo Center for a future event. Also, the 2020/21 season will be announced soon and hopefully things will be back to normal and there are many events later this year that should go on as normal. We hope.

In the meantime, please share your home performance, family plays, puppet shows or whatever talent you have to share. Check in daily at @modestoview on Facebook to see if there are any great local virtual shows you can watch. If you are planning a live cast, please email<>