
PerformingView – December 2012

A Time to Perform in December By Kaye Osborn

This time of the year is filled with many school and social activities. It is time to celebrate the holidays with singing, food, family, friends and a live performance or two! I am excited because the Lakewood Youth Theater will be holding their auditions. It is always fun to produce, direct, choreograph and perform a show with talented elementary children. Save the Date: The Nifty Fifties will be performed March 15 and 16. Drama is the glue that creates a very special family. You should try it sometime! I promise it will be memorable and magical.

Here are some of the theatrical events happening in our area.

Gallo Center for the Arts Modesto Performing Arts A Christmas Carol Dec. 1 and 2 2 Pm and 7:30pm

The Elves and the Shoemaker Dec. 9 2pm and 4pm

The Nutcracker Dec. 14,15,16,21,22,23 2pm and 7pm

Modesto Junior College Elephant’s Graveyard Dec. 1,2, 6, 7, 8, 9 2pm and 7:30pm

Storytelling by Kim Gyurun Dec. 11 7:30pm

Prospect Theatre Project Anna in the Tropics Through Dec. 9 8pm Fridays and Saturdays, 2pm Sundays

Center Stage Conservatory Lower Level Studio The Giving Tree a special adaptation of Shel Silverstein’s wonderful book! 948 11th at Lower Level Tickets are a $2 donation at the door. ALL AGES WELCOMED! Dec. 8 and 15 10am, 11:30am and 1pm *** The 1pm Dec. 15th performance will be interpreted for the deaf. I will be signing the part of the tree.