
PerformingView – Summer Salutations

A Time to Perform in July 2016
By Kaye Osborn

Summer Salutations Dear Readers!
It’s heating up in the valley. It’s time for grilling, picnics, concerts in the park and lazing by the pool!! Remember to take time to enjoy some amazing productions inside an air-conditioned facility. Just completed co-teaching a young writer’s camp at CSUS! Happily there are many talented young people who paint glorious pictures with vivid verbs and wondrous words. It is such a relief to realize that the future of the written word is in good hands. The 2016-2017 Gallo season will appeal to everyone. Tickets are now available to be purchased by the public. Check out the variety of shows on-line or swing by Gallo and grab their 2016-2017-season magazine.

One very exciting and must see show coming to Gallo a 2003 Drama Desk winner, The Exonerated. The ten talented actors will dramatize gripping, true stories of six wrongfully convicted survivors of death row in their own words. The play was culled from actual interviews, letters, transcripts, case files and public records and directed by Jim Johnson. This play is adult content.

YES Company will be presenting Les Miserables at the Gallo. This is one of my favorite musicals. Mark Medina, Connie Ambrosia-Wann and myself will interpret the show for the Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing Community on July 24 at 3 PM.

Here is what is happening in our neck of the woods!

Gallo Center for the Arts
The Exonerated – Gallo Repertory
July 8: 8 PM and July 9: 8:00 PM

Les Miserable by YES Company
July 22-July 31: d check times on Gallo website

Prospect Theater Project
The Orchard
July 9- July 24
Friday, Saturday 8 PM, Sundays at 2 PM
One Thursday night: July 21 at 8 PM
Call (209) 524-9342 for more information