
PhotoView – Global Contest

By Chris Murphy

A few years ago, local photographer David Shroeder and John Griswold created Focus on Havana, a gala event that celebrated places like Cuba. This evolved into FotoModesto showcasing local photographers with a common theme. Today, this event is now the Stanislaus County Photo Contest by StanArts that will be presented this month at the Mistlin Gallery.

This is a unique contest for photographers worldwide to showcase their perspectives & artistic expression. The contest is comprised of two different competitions open to all photographers and all types of photographic work; including but not limited to work with DSLRs, film cameras, cell phones, large format & pinhole cameras. Each competition will have 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place winners, in addition to many sponsor awards. The exhibition will be on display for the month of February with a special celebration February 15 at the Downtown Art Walk. Over 450 submissions from were received including submissions from Bangladesh, Germany and Canada.
Mistlin Gallery
1015 J Street, Modesto<>

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ModestoView has one of the largest photo archives of the Modesto area and our Instagram is a living and breathing gallery built from your creations. With a simple #modestoview, your creations reach our friends. If you notice in each issue we search for #modestoview and put our readers photos in in RearView, share on Facebook and even share to the ModestoView Instagram.