
Pickleball is Here

By Chris Murphy
Pickleball is here! Maybe you’ve heard about it?

Just kidding.

EVERYONE knows about Pickleball and they all have opinions about it. But one thing’s for sure, there a lot of people out there being super active, having a blast, meeting up with friends and getting some killer cardio time. Heck, you have to know algebra to keep score, so it keeps your head in the game.

This is good for our community and there are active leagues in Modesto, the most active being the Central Valley Pickleball Club. You can get three pickle ball in a conventional tennis court and there are courts around Modesto on Graceada and Beyer parks and more coming.

It is very easy to get going, find a place to play and if you post on their Facebook page, you can even find playing partners. There is also a national page,<> that can direct you nationally. You need good stable court shoes, a racquet/paddle, stretchy shorts and a good attitude. I played for my first time at the Make Dreams Real Fundraiser at Del Rio and I had a blast. It was easy to get started, and fun to play and when you are done, you know you have been working out and are ready for hydration.

Give it a try
Check out this great guide to the parks and trails available here in Modesto.<>

Caption Chris Murphy and Steve Perry on the Del Rio Pickleball Courts