Mmmmmm, do you want some warm pie? You know we have some amazing local bakeries that can make you a tempting treat to serve up to your friends and family. But what is Pi? You know, the number that never ends? But more importantly, know that this is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159…. Amaze your friends with how many decimal places you can go. When you run out of digits, enjoy pie on Pi day. Have fun and post your pics and don’t forget to #modestoview

Mmmmmm, do you want some warm pie? You know we have some amazing local bakeries that can make you a tempting treat to serve up to your friends and family. But what is Pi? You know, the number that never ends? But more importantly, know that this is a mathematical constant that is the ratio of a circle’s circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159…. Amaze your friends with how many decimal places you can go. When you run out of digits, enjoy pie on Pi day. Have fun and post your pics and don’t forget to #modestoview