GoModesto: PorchFest Returns
Brought to us in 2017 by the 3 women who created ModShop, Modesto PorchFest quickly became a fan favorite event, not just with fans but with musicians as well. It braved the heat and near flash floods but unfortunately during the pandemic it was put on hold. It did have a rebranded online version CouchFest in 2020. The family-friendly community music event returns on May 22nd in the LaLoma, College and Downtown neighborhoods. Ride your bike or just take a stroll and check out what some of the best musicians in the Central Valley have to offer(make sure to tip generously). Chris and ModestoView host a porch every year on Edgebrook in the LaLoma district this year with The Vibes, Third Party and Friends, Triple D with Marirose Powell will be performing Neil Buettner and Bangarang will be playing a few houses down and Tye Bauer will be serving up tacos all day long. Melynda Rodriquez is hosting the LadyFest porch on the 400 block of Semple St. performing herself along with Patty Castillo Davis, Kayla Just, Candice Lamb and Heaven Lindsey Burtch. The Allsup will be hosting a country ho-down on their porch over on the 700 block of Castle with performances by Mike Allsup, Picklepie, Nathan Ignacio, Salacious Wizard Cult, Rattle Can, Chris Doud & the Salvage Co. and more. Rockit Gear will be hosting a show case a few blocks down on the 500 block of Castle with Girls Smash Guitars, Indie Daze, Not All Right and Aware. These three are just a sampling of the 40ish porches that will be hosting musicians. For more locations and information go to www.modestoporchfest.com