
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

PSA: Back to School

This morning, July 13, 2020, school district superintendents throughout the county met with Dr. Julie Vaishampayan, Stanislaus County Public Health Officer. Our goal for the past few months has been to safely get our children back to in-classroom education.

Dr. Vaishampayan provided an update on the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and recent community spread, and determined the guidelines for K-12 education moving forward. Widespread community transmission has forced us to make the difficult decision to delay the return of our children to school classrooms. This announcement represents a significant disappointment for the many thousands of teachers, administrators and support staff, who were looking forward to welcoming students back in August.

The following determinations were made by Dr. Vaishampayan:

  • Schools should open in August with a Distance Learning Model
  • All conditioning for fall sports are suspended until further notice
  • Extracurricular activities (i.e. band, sports, theater/drama, etc.) are also suspended until further notice

 We recognize the significant impact school closures have on our entire community, students, families, and staff. SCOE and all 25 school districts will continue to work diligently and collaboratively towards a prompt and safe reopening of schools in Stanislaus County when health conditions allow.