
Reading Tutors Needed

The need for tutors growing It’s not that the need wasn’t there before, but it has been magnified by the economy and the lack of jobs. People that could get jobs in the past with little or no literacy skills can no longer do so. At the same time, there are less opportunities for education for adults. Stanislaus Literacy Center and its ReadingWorks Adult Literacy program which is operated in partnership with Stanislaus Co. Library provides free individualized tutoring in reading and writing. To be able to provide this kind of intensive help for adults to learn to read, volunteers are critical. Right now, there are 40 adults waiting for a tutor and more will be signing up in coming weeks. A reoccurring theme among those seeking help is that their need for better reading skills is often related to their job. They have to either pass a test requiring better reading skills or they need the skill to do their job because it has become more demanding. Volunteers who are willing to give three hours a week to help another person learn to read are being sought. To become a volunteer tutor requires attending a new tutor orientation and training. The next one will be offered on Nov. 7 and 10 at the ReadingWorks Learning Center, 1032 11th St. or on the corner of 11th and K Streets in Modesto. The orientation is on Nov. 7 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and provides a program overview and goes over the expectations of being a volunteer tutor. The training is on Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and teaches tutors how to teach an adult and how to use the curriculum provided to students and tutors free of charge. There is a $10 materials fee for the training manual, but this can be waived upon request. To reserve your place at the training or if you want more information about becoming a tutor call Natalie or Kelly at 209-558-4505.