
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

Rockabillly View-Hooten Hallers

RockabillyView By: Jennifer Allsup

The Hooten Hallers ~ Columbia, MI to Modesto, Ca.

First and foremost, I and many others owe a tremendous THANK YOU to Michael Miller of DCMM Productions, for having introduced Modesto to the mind-blowing Hooten Hallers out of Columbia MI.

When I first met John Randall and Andy Rehm, I came overwhelmed with excitement, mainly because they are such gentlemen….haha! Unless you play a round of “Circle of Death”, those gentlemanly stories are best told only in the FamDAMily backyard.

Anywhoo, back to The Hooten Hallers ! DCMM Productions decided Modesto needed to be spiced up a little with some Joe Buck, The Pendletons, Mike and Eli Allsup at Minnies. Needless to say Mr. Miller failed to mention the vibrant- bone chilling rhythm and soul John and Andy bring to the stage. That is where the crowd fell in love with “The Hooten Hallers” !

Mr. Miller was gracious enough to ask Mike Allsup and me if we would be interested in hosting the Hooten Hallers for a night ? Wow, what an experience! An all night free jam with Columbia Missouri’s Dog Pound, “Circle of Death”, and the infamous “Kings Cup”. Since John and Andy adventure all across the nation and we have become their “West Coast Dog Pound” WELP!!!

These fine young men started in Columbia, MO in2006. In 2011 they started touring nationally which brought them to the Central Valley and other amazing smallhole in the walls venues. John Randal, vocals and guitar and Andy Rehms on drums and vocals deliver a sound that you have not heard before, a sound that is sensational, inspiring to the soul. There is so much power that comes forth from this two piece band of Hillbilly, Blues and Rock, you will be blown away.

A new CD on it’s way and I am positive it will be just as amazing as the first two. Check out The Hooten Hallers on Reverbnation or their record label Bucketcity. FamDAMily will be hosting The Hooten Hallers again in March. Keep your eyes peeled !!!


Sweet Pea Knickers Promotions Jennifer Allsup 209.735.9682

Go Modesto Show Alert: All Ages: Hooten Hallers Thursday Night Ramble – March 22 7 pm Café Deva

Over 21: Hooten Hallers, Shaylin Nicole and DAM March 23 – Fat Cat Music House 7 pm