
RockabillyView – Amie Alton

By Jennifer Allsup

Let us introduce you to Amie Alton born Feb. 27th, 1987 in Modesto Ca . Amie’s first passion is photography and of course slappin’ that upright bass. I have known Amie for some time now and have always been impressed by her talents. Including her humorous side. I got a chance to finally sit and chat instead of watching her perform!

As I said, Amie’s first passion is photography where she works at Lady Luck LLC as the photographer for the pin-ups and some graphic work along with the managing their Facebook page. At the ripe age of 6, Amie took interest in shooting pictures with her grandfather.

ModestoView: Since learning photography with your grandfather, is there a particular photographer that you look up to as an adult?
Amie Alton: I don’t really converse with too many photographers. But, always enjoy talking with my friend Jessica, who owns Jessica Belshe Images.

MV: What do you value most in life?
AA: Music, friends and nature. I am lucky that my traits remind people of my day. He was the best person I have ever met in my life. I’m glad I could be like him. Helps me carry on who he was.

MV: Amie’s outlook on music. She loves being able to talk about any music. Amie, takes so much from every musician she has been able to converse with. I have seen you perform with many local talent and traveling bands. Tell us a little about those experiences.
AA: I grew up always listening to music. My parents listened to music all time. I listened to music more than watching television. Music was life. Both my grandpa’s played guitar, my uncle plays guitar and my dad played the banjo. I actually have his banjo. It became mine, when he passed away.

I have been playing playing the Upright Bass for almost 5 years. I’ve always loved the sound of it and always wanted one. It was like, love at first sight. I’m learning the banjo and guitar right now. I love both. I wanna play every instrument I can get my hands on. When I first took interest in the Upright Bass I taught myself for the most part and had lots of help from Brett Black(Ex Chop Tops bassist). Along with some help from Rockin’ Rick. I love playing more then one genre of music including country and bluegrass. But, I love to get a Psychobilly band going that is my heart and passion.

MV: Amie What are the most influential bands from country,bluegrass,Rock~n~ Roll, Rockabilly to Psychobilly. In each genre, why and who are the most influential to you?
AA: Country music, Maddox Brothers and Rose. My granny was friends with Rose and my dad told me all those stories. Also, Rose played upright bass as well. Loretta Lynn. It was awesome to grow up listening to her and knowing, women could make music, write their own and be great at doing it.Hank Williams. He was always playing when I was growing up and made me fall in love with that sound. Bluegrass,The main bluegrass artist that still sticks with me like no other is, Bill Monroe. That “highlonesome” voice of his.Rock’N’Roll The 50’s and 60’s rock has always been a favorite of mine. Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, etc.Rockabilly:The Johnny Burnette Trio, Chop Tops, Wanda Jackson, Kim Lenz, Charlie Feathers.. Too many to name.
Rock’N’Roll:The 50’s and 60’s rock has always been a favorite of mine. Chuck Berry, Jerry Lee Lewis, Buddy Holly, Richie Valens, etc..Psychobilly:The Dyspsomaniaxe have been a giant influence. All female band, amazing musicians and amazing songs. Too bad, they only had one album and broke up in the early 90’s. As Diabatz is another all female band from Brazil. They’re still playing, working on their 3rd album and I get to see them play April 25th. The Meteors will and always be the main Psychobilly band on my list. They created it and keep it pure. I even have a Meteors tattoo. There are way too many to name off.. Haha !!

MV: Who would be your first pick of a traveling band to play along with??
AA: As Diabatz. It’d be awesome to be apart of an all female psychobilly band. I could see myself in the next five years or so in a Psychobilly band,touring all over and enjoying life.

In the past several years, I have seen Amie play with many traveling and local artists. I wanted to see what kind of behind scene conversations or shenanigans took place. Especially, with Don “Juan” Maddox.

MV: When you had the opportunity to play and practice with Don “Juan” Maddox, what was your most memorable moment?
AA: The fact that I was the only one, who didn’t get lectured by him!! Haha.. Tony Trevino and Anthony Acevedo both caught crap.

Playing with Deke Dickerson as the backing band how did that make you feel being a stage with not knowing the songs? And killing it at the same time.It was nerve-racking!! But, after the first song and realizing I had it, it was an amazing feeling!! Playing bass for the Urban Pioneers was fantastic, do you see y ourself playing with more traveling musicians if you had the right opportunity ? That was amazing. Jared McGovern is one of my favorite bass players so, getting on stage with him, was the best. I’d love to play with any band that I can and I hope I get to!

Amie, is not currently playing with any one particular band at this time but has played with many locals such as Tony Trevino of the Pendletons and Tiffany Rose. Amie, would love playing with band that needs an extra fill in. In the near future Amie plans on starting a new project with best friend Shelly Rand and Scott O’Ceallaigh. More of the more classic Hank Williams sound with some Hank 3 attitude for good measure.

MV: Words of encouragement to our youth pursuing their musical talents? What should they be aware of?
AA: Do what you want with YOUR music. Music is self expression and there is really no “correct” way to do it. Get some friends together and make some noise. Also, don’t play to get famous or make money. Play because you love it. Be aware of contracts and leery of a lot of show promoters.

MV: What would you do if your evil nemesis was at your show?
AA: Haha!! She’s actually showed up to some shows and I ignore her. I’m not going to sink to her level and cause issues. But, if I have to defend myself, it’s on.

Jennifer Allsup<>