
RockabillyView – Cash Profits


Chris Murphy’s Publisher Note:

Modesto is the birthplace of Rockabilly and is the ‘Root’ that put the “Rock” in Rock and Roll. We are continuing our music history series and this month we bring Rockabilly to life at the Modesto Boogie Woogie Rock’n Roll’n Music & Art Dance Party, June 22, 4 -10 pm on J Street right in the middle of Graffiti Summer. This is a free family event thanks to our local sponsors. You have to experience Rockabilly to understand how amazing our history is. Since 1937, Modesto is where it all started with the slappin bass sounds of Fred Maddox.

Lee Rocker of the Stray Cats has taken the Big Slappin bass to the top with the hits of the Stray Cats and keeps Rockabilly alive today along with Jimbo of the Reverend Horton Heat and our very own Tony T & his Rockin’ Cats, the Pendletons and of course the MoFo Party Band and so many others. Lee Rocker will rockin’ the State Theatre on June 21, and the Boogie Woogie Party is the next day at 4pm. You need to experience this music.

Rockabilly is our heritage and the music keeps getting better for the future. Look to see monthly Rockabilly Showcases at Hero’s, more Swing Dance lessons and hopefully more support from the City of Modesto to celebrate our amazing, legendary and historic music heritage.

If you have comments, ideas, historical info about the Maddox Family, please let me know so we can get our history archives together.

Tribute to Johnny Cash By Jennifer Allsup In regards to this interview, I was listening to a Maddox Brothers and Rose record and at the end of the record Johnny Cash said this about Rose Maddox. “When she started playing my shows, I found her to be the most fascinating, exciting performer I had ever seen in my life. She was a total performer, she captivated her audience, she held them in the palm of her hand and made them do whatever she wanted them to do. The songs that she sang where classics. I loved the way she kinda sang and danced at the same time. I thought there was and still think that there would never be another women that could outperform Rose Maddox, She is an American classic.” This inspired me to talk to a group that is coming to Modesto very soon.

The Cash Prophets ~ A tribute to infamous talented Johnny Cash –Coming soon to Modesto. The Cash Prophets began in 2004 and band members are Booby Dickson Sr, rhythm guitar and vocals, Bobby Dickson Jr, lead guitar and Nate Dickson Stand up Bass, and the newest member Robert Crostwaithe, stand up percussionist. I caught up with Bobby Dickson Sr and he had this to say. “The passion for doing Johnny Cash came from truth, the honesty between good and evil that he made me feel in his words and his life. It felt like he had already lived my life. My biggest inspiration from music is the way it touches peoples soul and makes you happy, sad or just plain comfortable.”

MV: If you could go back in time, What would you do differently? BD: Nothing at all different because it could alter my life experiences and family and I like where I am at. I couldn’t imagine not seeing my children’s eyes.

MV: Are you familiar with Rose Maddox? Of Maddox Brothers and Rose. If so can you tell me what you think so her hillbilly, country Rockabilly style. BD: Rose Maddox – and the Maddox brothers, yes, I am very familiar with their music. Her style is very inspirational and me coming from a family of musicians, the connection with family is unmistakable. The best thing that came out of Modesto in my opinion.

MV: What’s your favorite album by another artist ? BD: Favorite album – ha ha ha is this a trick question??? That is a very hard question, because I listen to everything from Jump Jive to Gothic, metal to jazz, classic country to R&B, gospel to soul, blue grass to punk rock. These all influence me. Some of my favorite artista are Nick Cave, Waylon Jennings, Hank 3 and a truckload of unsigned, unheard of artists.

MV: What is the first song you can remember hearing that drove you to play music? BD: First song to drive me to play music, is Kenny Rogers,” Ruby don’t take your love to town”, when I was around 10.

If you can find a Rose Maddox album or cd….I love the album, “$35 and a Dream” It tells you a short story about The Maddox family and their travels and their musical beginnings in Modesto Ca. Please, stay tuned for some more Rock N Roll history and keep your eyes and ears wide open for some Rockabilly show cases this summer. See you all real soon !

Smiles, Jennifer Allsup 209-214-0137