
RockabillyView – Greasehounds

By Jennifer Allsup

Rockin’ the End of 2014 & Welcoming 2015 with a BANG!!

In closing out Modesto’s Rockabilly Scene of 2014, I met up with three fine gentlemen. A newly formed Rockabilly/Psychobillly band just three months fresh to the scene. Let me introduce you to “Grease Hound” !

Frontman Rikki Romero has this to say about his passion for music: “I love playing music for the love of playing enjoyment and to escape the struggles of life. It puts me in my own little world. I am one of those guys if you told me not to do something I did it. We are kinda rockabilly/psychobilly/punk. I love this style cuz nobody really does it anymore, and it’s the most fun style to play; no rules involved. For Grease Hound we have only been together for three months, and with the bass player a little over a month. My influences are Buddy Holly, Charlie Feathers, Chuck Berry, the Brains, the Living Dead and many more.”

Rusty Murry, drummer and heavy machine operator is a very easy kick back kinda guy. He loves the family life. His passion for playing music is very fulfilling and he loves the rush he gets playing live. Rusty loves the combo of jazzy rockabilly/psychobilly punk rock because it’s so different and exciting at the same time to play….and a challenge thats makes it fun. His influences are Phil Collins, Neil Pert, Buddy Rich, Bill Bruford, and Carl Palmer.

Seth D. Baker is the bass man. “I’ve been in bands of every type of music and style because I love to play music and that’s what I do. I enjoy the rockabilly/psychobilly style because it’s blues-based punk rock that rocks; easy to play with plenty of openings for me to fill. I’ve been playing music since I was 6 years old and joined my first band with my older brother at the age of 10. My musical favs are Whole Some Goodness, Porno and the Perverts, Riff Junkies, Greg Scudders & Beer Thirty and my most recent like is Scorptrio. My influences are Frank Zappa’s Mother of Intervention, Capt. Beefhart, the Stray Cats, The Cars, Muddy Waters, etc.”

Sometimes I find these quirky questions most entertaining:

JA :Where do you see yourselves in the upcoming 2015?
GH: We hope to see ourselves in more big events. Modesto has lots to offer. Playing more out in the valley and surrounding areas, and just keeping people on their toes.

JA: In the three months you have been together, what kind of strange occurrences happened while on stage?
GH: Well we blew up a bass amp. I got shocked by a mic that I thought took my face off….had the cops called on us at our practice…but the cops told us, “Keep playing don’t worry about it.” and then they stayed to watch us! We finished our practice and loved it. That was awesome. I am pretty sure we will have more to come, since we haven’t been together that long.

JA: A world of “no rules in music”, what would be a rule you would let future musicians know?
GH: Well…..have fun playing…it’s all about having fun at what you are doing. Work hard to get shows! You gotta get out there and put in your own work. And whatever sounds good to you at what you write or do….that’s all that matters. It’s for the love of your music.

JA: If your evil nemesis was attending your show, how would you greet them?
GH: Greet them with open arms…and show them this is a rocking good fun time and probably buy them a drink! That’s the kinda guys we are. Music to me is like one big family no matter what styles of music others play. Everyone is after the same thing: a good rocking show.

Wishing you all a very Rockin’2015! Make it happen, invlove yourself and support local talents !