
Singer Songwriter View

Who’s Your MAMA?
By Patty Castillo Davis

Every Fall the local entertainment community comes together to celebrate their achievements. Hip hop artists rub elbows with Punk Rock and Country players and Comedians share shop talk with Opera singers. It’s the one time of the year that all of these eclectic parts come together as a whole for the Modesto Area Music Association awards show. Folks dress in their finery and share libations and stories and connect in a neutral space where the most nominated and the novice stand in the same long line at the concession area. It’s a night full of reflection, perception, rejection and reception.

And it’s what we deserve.
There has been a marvelous cultivation of creativity in this fertile soil of the Central Valley and we continue to enjoy its legacy and this year’s event promises to boast not only the accolades of the best of the genres but a reunification of a family separated by unparalleled circumstances.

(At press time) for this outdoor event all prevailing rules by the CDC and state mandates shall be adhered to, masks, proof of vaccination and/or proof of negative COVID test is required for all attendees 12 and older.

My personal relationship with MAMA is long and fond. I had been disheartened at a 13 year losing streak and felt sweet astonishment at a win as a band member then a solo artist and finally as a band leader. The real takeaway is seeing what goes into making this all work. And the behind the scenes before ballots go live and the show’s first downbeat.

You. You are what it takes.

Without the votes from the audience and patrons and enthusiasts there is no MAMA anything. The entertainment is a sure thing, ever changing in its quality and approach. The loyal fans and followers who support the live entertainment are the souls of this scene.

Unplugged is the category I am nominated in as a solo artist.
This primarily acoustic category includes multi genres and features singer Songwriters and cover artists alike. My fellow nominees are silky voiced gentlemen, tweens, teens and an AARP Queen (wink).

My vote was cast for seasoned artist Candace Lamb who hails from Merced-her life experience is reflected in her songs which make her performances credible, you really believe she has lived all those emotions she sings about.

My band co founded with Steve Ashman and David Rogers-A Gathering of the Vibes is nominated in the Blue Collar category, one of only two groups with female singers at the lead. There are thousands of years of fantastic music experience represented with these ten nominees.

Go and listen online to all the choices before you vote. You will be astounded by how deep the talent pool flows in our area.

Thank you for giving us the reason to sing our songs.
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Be safe.