
Some Blues You Can Use

Some Blues You Can Use
By Eric Benson

There was a wonderful musical tribute to the late John Shaw musician who died recently. The event was at the Twin River Saloon with hundreds of well-wishers and musicians coming out. We hope that his family continues to be supported now and, in the future, RIP John Shaw of the Whisky Skulls you will be missed.

The Blue Monday Party is back on March 11th at Urbano. The band features John Burt Sax, Cortez Flores drums, Raul Slaps Bass and myself Eric Benson Keyboards, special guest Gene Radino Jazz guitarist. The alumni also include John Adey Bass, Conrad Johnson Bass, Dave Hawks’ drums, and Andrew Rosenblum Sax. We have had some high school horn players that have come down that can play some Jazz. We also would like to thank Chris Murphy and Gary Nelson for giving their loving support and sponsorship to the Blue Monday Scene, which yours truly appreciates! Please come down for some music, food, and a full bar, can’t do it without you! We need more places to play live music, especially in the downtown area. Any ideas or ways to make it happen let me know.

New to the scene will be a dedicated comedy club opening in Manteca. Roman of Roman on the River has been doing some comedy shows in Modesto and hopefully, the momentum will continue to support some much-needed humor in our area, stay tuned!

I know I’m preaching to the choir but we need more venues for the arts and music in our community. Anyone who wants to conspire with me let me know, there is a felt need and the time is now!

Some great shows at Gallo Center but also check out some great venues out of town: The Newman Theatre, Vinhose Tapas Bar in Merced, Yoshi’s Oakland best jazz shows, Khumba Music Center Santa Cruz, and Piedmont Piano Company, the Back Door and the Sound Room located in Oakland.