
Stanislaus Humanists sponsor Colloquium with Professor Matt McCormick


One of the most common responses to doubts, questions, or criticisms of religious views is to invoke the “F word”: faith. Believing by faith, we are told, solves whatever problems there may be with the evidence. Not only is this response common, but believing by faith is widely treated as admirable and virtuous.
Professor Matt McCormick is a widely published author, educator, and lecturer who specializes in philosophical atheism. He teaches philosophy of religion, critical thinking, and philosophy of mind at California State University Sacramento. He is the author of “Atheism and the Case Against Christ” and the popular blog: “Atheism: Proving the Negative”. Matt has over fifty related lectures on his heavily-traveled YouTube Channel.

This is a free event, open to the public, at the Manteca Library.
Those of all worldviews and faiths are welcome.
Doors open at 7:15 PM and our featured talk starts shortly after. We expect most Colloquiums to last until about 8:45 PM followed by mingling and cleanup.
Coffee, water, and pastries are provided.
Parking is free.
Donations of are of course appreciated.

For more information visit