
Steam, A new kind of coffee house in Modesto

Art, music, literature, culture, independent film showings, conventions, study center and much, much more! Steam House will let you enter the world of Victorian Steampunk and Culture! Mark and Joe, friends for over 30 years, are asking you to help them fulfill a dream of opening a place where everyone is equal and welcome, where the employees are well-cared for and customers are treated as family!
About the owners: Joe is a disabled US Military Veteran and Mark is a caregiver for his father who has Alzheimer’s. Both have BS degrees in Business Management, with Joe having experience in the coffee industry, and Mark being the customer service expert.
Recently diagnosed with a fatal disease, Joe’s wish is to leave Steam House Coffee Co. and the Annual Modesto SteamCon as Legacies to his family. 
Find more info here:

Things that make Steam Coffee Co Awesome:
~Coffee in a Victorian setting. Self-explanatory!
~They are bringing Modesto a Steampunk Convention, SteamCon, so like-minded Steamers can geek out in the Victorian fashion with music, vendors, DIY workshops, and general geekery.  The piece de resistance is an Awards Show, held at the State Theatre, October 3rd, 7pm-11pm. Tickets go on sale next week!
In the meantime, get your tickets for SteamCon now, while they are pre-sale AND ON SALE, so you are ready to fly your steamship on Oct 2-4th. Assemble your goggles and top hat and gather your suspenders and spats! STEAMCON IS COMING!
(That’s me, Brandilyn, entirely ready for STEAMCON! Picture by Michael J. Photography.)