
Buy Local

Support Local Shop Local

Middagh Goodwin

Support Local Shop LocalBy Middagh Goodwin Modesto’s population is approximately 216,810, it is the 19th largest city in California. What does that ...

FoodView: Delicious and Deliverable

Chris Murphy

FoodView By Chris Murphy I love Grab N Go and hope you do too. ModestoView has been out there doing ...

Modesto GrabNGo

Chris Murphy

Modesto Grab and Go This is a really tough time for our local restaurants. We all want to make sure ...

Go Modesto: Support Local

Middagh Goodwin

Go Modesto: Support LocalBy Middagh Goodwin Modesto’s population is approximately 204,933, it is the 18th largest city in California. What ...

Special Store Hours for Seniors

Middagh Goodwin

Here is a list of Modesto Area stores that are offering special programs for seniors and at-risk costumers because of ...

ArtView – Holiday Art and Ideas

Jim Christiansen

Art View Holiday Art and Ideas By Jim Christiansen Think local in your Holiday shopping plans, and visit the Arts ...

ArtView – New Places for Art

Jim Christiansen

Art View By Jim Christiansen October was a great month for art in the community with the second round of ...

The Power of the Purse

Middagh Goodwin

The Power of the Purse By Middagh Goodwin Modesto’s population is approximately 212,175; it is the 18th largest city in ...

BigView – Shop Small and Black Friday Tips

Chris Murphy

The BigView By Chris Murphy Creativity, family, friendship and fun is in the air every November in Modesto USA. I ...

MAMAView Resolutions

Middagh Goodwin

MAMAView: Resolutions By Middagh Goodwin It is a new year, and with it, we all seem to make Resolutions. Maybe ...

Support Local Artists

Middagh Goodwin

MAMAView: Support Local Artists by Middagh Goodwin Buy Local Saturday was November 25th but I encourage everyone to continue the trend ...

MAMAView Giving Thanks

Middagh Goodwin

MAMAView Giving Thanks by Middagh Goodwin November is the Month of giving thanks. I know I am grateful for all ...

Power of the Purse Shop Local

Middagh Goodwin

by Middagh Goodwin Modesto’s population is approximately 204,933, it is the 18th largest city in California. What does that ultimately ...