Modesto Events

UnpluggedView: Footloose and Fancy Free
Unplugged View: Footloose And Fanny Freeby Aaron Rowan “Without music, life would be a blank to me.” – Jane ...

BluesView: 2020
Hello everyone and welcome to 2020. I’m excited for a big start to the new year and am grateful to have ended 2020 with a great show at the Prospect Theatre. Thanks to everyone who came out to see any of the bands I play in over the last decade and thank you all for supporting the blues.

Blues&JazzView by Eric Benson “If you luv music you’re gonna love this” Blue Monday Party returns to its new home ...

MAMAView: Roaring into a New Decade
MAMAView: Roaring into a New DecadeBy Middagh GoodwinIt is quite hard to believe that it is the year 2020. It seems like just yesterday that many of us were celebrating a new century or were worried about Y2K.
New Years Eve 2020
There are many things going on in and around Modesto for New Year's Eve. We have tried to compile a list for you to help with your planning. Go out with friends so that you can look out for each other. Have fun but by all means stay safe. If you choose to go out have fun but remember to have a designated driver or take a cab, Lyft or Uber. Also, remember AAA offers Safe Rides 1-800-AAA-HELP.

Made in Modesto a Year in Photos
Made In Modesto: 2019 a year in photosBy Michael ManganoHello, I am a photographer for Modesto view magazine. I have the privilege to record moments in time I think to represent the best in our city. You can say I am a voyeur of our community spirit. Here at the View we always like to look forward, but I do believe we should take a moment and see where we were as to how far we have come together. So another year is in the books! And what a year it was.

Bonnie Raitt Show Added at Gallo Center
Best-selling artist, respected guitarist, expressive singer and accomplished songwriter Bonnie Raitt is returning to the Gallo Center with her Dig ...

Jazz&BluesView – Winter Blue
Blues&JazzView by Eric Benson If you luv music you’re gonna love this We will miss the musical offering that took ...

GoModesto: Bowie for the Holiday
GoModesto: David Bowie TributeThere will be only seven nights of Rockin Holiday this year starting December 7th, and you won't want to miss any of them. Saying that make sure to mark your calendar, on December 14th, the Men Who Fell to Earth, Northern California premier David Bowie Tribute band

Share the Warmth
Singer-Songwriter View: SHARE the WARMTHBy Patty Castillo DavisThe wind-down is upon us. The reflection is on the horizon.The blessings are counted, inventory is taken at holiday time as to where we might be without our fortunate favor and luck. Maybe this is the first time you get the chance to pay it forward, return the favor and elevate someone who doesn’t have your opportunities.

BluesView: Dig the Blues
BluesView: Dig the BluesBy Earl MathewsHello friends, there is so much happening this month in our area and my world. Let's dig in. Robert Cray is coming to town on the 8th, and he will be at the Tracy Grand again. He’s one of my favorite songwriters and one hell of a musician.

MAMAView: Modesto Area Music Wins
The State Theatre was the sight for the 20th Anniversary of the Modesto Area Music Awards and with a record number of votes coming in we were set for a celebration of a lifetime.

MAMA Turns 20
MAMA Turns 20 By Chris Murphy It was twenty years ago today.. that Chris Ricci and I were enjoying lunch ...

Unplugged View – Band of Brothers
Unplugged View By Aaron Rowan Band Of Brothers “The dream world of sleep and the dream world of music are ...