
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997


SongwriterView: The Good Listener or Please Tip the Musicians

Patty Castillo Davis

SongwriterView: The Good Listener or Please Tip the MusiciansBy Patty Castillo Davis If I had a dollar for every time ...

SongwriterView: Hopin’ For A Safe Reopen

Patty Castillo Davis

SongwriterView: Hopin’ For A Safe ReopenBy Patty Castillo Davis 19 is a fool’s errand. Not wearing a mask is a ...

Keeping Composer

Patty Castillo Davis

Songwriting View: Keeping ComposerBy Patty Castillo Davis Creativity can flourish anytime and anywhere. Even when an artist is not focused ...

SongwriterView: And Music Will Spur Us Forward

Patty Castillo Davis

SongwriterView: And Music Will Spur Us ForwardBy Patty Castillo Davis Songs give protest language words won’t suffice to convey.A compendium ...

Share the Warmth

Patty Castillo Davis

Singer-Songwriter View: SHARE the WARMTHBy Patty Castillo DavisThe wind-down is upon us. The reflection is on the horizon.The blessings are counted, inventory is taken at holiday time as to where we might be without our fortunate favor and luck. Maybe this is the first time you get the chance to pay it forward, return the favor and elevate someone who doesn’t have your opportunities.

SongwriterView: Scare Up Some Local Support

Patty Castillo Davis

Scare Up Some Local SupportBy Patty Castillo Davis This final stretch of the year is also the beginning of my ...

SongwriterView: The Growing Season

Patty Castillo Davis

Songwriter View: The Growing Season By Patty Castillo Davis Bloom where you are planted. An excellent friend of mine has ...

Songwriter View Dayspring

Patty Castillo Davis

Songwriter View: DAYSPRING By Patty Castillo Davis Welcome to the new year! We are creatures of habit-call it loyalty, call ...

SongwriterView: Table of Plenty

Patty Castillo Davis

  SONGWRITER VIEW Table of Plenty By Patty Castillo Davis It’s giving time. Time to be mindful about what you ...

SingerSongwriterView: Where were you in 62?

Patty Castillo Davis

The Gleam In Dad’s Eye By Patty Castillo Davis The answer to “Where Were You In ’62?” is the title ...

MAMA OVERVIEW Singer-Songwriters

Patty Castillo Davis

Unplugged/Singer Songwriter View By Patty Castillo Davis Unusual unexpected imagery is the calling card of a great Songwriter. Creative replication ...