
Thank You for 20 Year MAMA Celebration

MAMA Thanks
By Chris Murphy

Celebrating 20 years of MAMAs was one of the most fun nights in a long time. We love celebrating our local musical talent, our musical heritage and our musical future. None of this is possible without the hard work, dedication and friendship of our local music community. The MAMAs would not have happened with out the amazing diligence and promotion of Middagh Goodwin. He did an amazing job and we have a great network of talent and is a great friend. Chris Ricci thank you for your vision, friendship and love of our local music scene and for keeping this vision alive with me for 20 Years. Jennifer Allsup is a great stage manager and kept is running on schedule with a smile. Brian Friend is the Laser Voodoo magician and his creativity and hard work for the MAMAs and our company Sierra Pacific is so valuable and so very appreciated. Mark Oesau and his stage crew were flawless and the sound was amazing. He is so great.

Thank you Big Earl Matthews for the outside stage and Patty Castillo Davis for coordinating the AMAZING Women of MAMA set. WOW. Just wow. My friends Doug Robinett and Ronnie Meyer thank you for being the solid backline to this event. It is a privilege to play music with you. Thank you thank you to the The State Theatre and Kirstie Macpherson Boyett for being the home of the MAMA. Thank you Steven W. Perry for energizing the MAMA Foundation and propelling us forward and upward. Thank you Carlos Rodriguez for streaming the MAMAs to the world.

Thanks Sierra Pacific Warehouse Group for allowing me to be involved in our community and finally, and most importantly, thanks to my family for supporting all of these events, ideas and projects. I love my community and the musical community of Modesto is the best and I thank you all so much.

You can stream the whole MAMA show at