THE MONKEES S/T Released October 10 1966
It has been 50 years since the Monkees first hit the TV and Radio airwaves. They have a new album out and will be coming to the fabulous Gallo Theatre for the Arts on September 20th. I know I am excited to catch them coming to Modesto. how about you.
Initially just a TV show about an imaginary band that wanted to be the Beatles but never quite being successful. Eventually the actor/musicians became a real band. At their peak in 1967 the Monkees out sold the Beatles and Rolling Stones combined. Originally the Lovin’ Spoonful were going to play the part of the Monkees but had already signed a record deal so Screen Gem wouldn’t be able to market the songs from the TV Show.
The S/T album stayed at #1 for 13 weeks until it was knocked out by the second release by the Monkees. The Single “Last Train to Clarksville” also went to #1 in the US and #3 in the UK. Interesting note that none of the tracks on this release feature all 4 members of the band.
Over the years everyone from the Sex Pistols, Smashmouth, Shonen Knife to Run DMC have covered songs by the Monkees. Their influence crossed all genres and generations.
The album and the TV show was full of fun spirited good times and music. The songs are just as fun today. Put on a record and enjoy the memories they bring back like you were listening to it all for the first time.