There area few things more enriching that a live stage performance. It is so real, so live and it shows so much talent and personality. These performers rehearse for months and the presentations are always amazing. There are many April theatrical offerings this month. Central Valley Theater for the Deaf has its debut on Friday, April 29 at 7:00 p.m. on the Lakewood School Stage following the Lakewood Sign LanguageClub’s show presentation of Peanuts. Heath Conway and Kaitlyn Evans, two Deaf performers and former Lakewood students will sign monologues from You’re a Good Man Charlie Brown. The actors will be professionally voiced to provide access for all. Join us for a memorable evening.
April 1-3 – Pirates of Penzance at Modesto Junior College
Tickets: general $12, students/ seniors $10 575-6776
April1-3 – Modesto Performing Arts The Full Monty at the Gallo Center for the Arts, tickets $19-$39, adult situations, no children admitted
April 5 – Opelia Lives, Gallo Center for the Arts
A play about seldom-discussed teen concerns, among them eating disorders and suicide.
Tickets $5 at 7:00 p.m.
April8-10 – Fiddler on the Roof , Gallo Center for the Arts
Tickets $39-$99
Support the performing arts as it makes our community so much richer. You can take a tour of our history and the arts at our own McHenry Museum. If you have not been to visit lately, it is time to check out our important past and interesting displays.
A newexhibit of beautiful and unusual teapots are on display at the McHenry Museum. This free venue is open Tuesdays through Sundays from noon to four. Make sure you take time to check it out. The next exhibit coming to the museum in honor of the Amgen bike tour will be bike accessories.

ModestoView Comment: Support arts in school as they make kids smarter and create leaders!
By Kaye Osborn