UrbanView Mr. Latino By Tru Luv Lopez
The newest trend on the web as you read this article is the online magazine! The newsfeed you can only find on the web and today we introduce a Latino for Latinos, Pedro Quiroba III – CEO & founder of Mr. Latino online Magazine.
A Modesto native, Mr. Latino started like any other company with the exception this his publication is solely online, with the desire to bring his creation to life with style and intellect.
Since the launch in 2009, Mr. Latino has expanded to San Antonio and now on their 3rd year anniversary, they are launching their Los Angeles Chapter Feb 2, 2013. A man with vision, creating a network by Latinos for Latinos. In the beginning, it was reported that after the first online publication, an undisclosed Company offered Mr. Latino, a reported $100,000 to acquire the site “Inlacasa”. Yet Mr. Latino turned down the offer. He says he still looks back and wonders if he made the right decision but also believes in his baby and his dreams. Go to www.mrlatino.com and explore more.
………………………………… ” Los reales Del Norte”
Mexican regional band appears on national Spanish television” El Gordo Y La Flaca”
In the early 2000’s The Urban ran an article on the Banda in a Spanish edition! Since then they have toured across the country performing on stage in front of thousands. Stay tuned for a Special addition to my March article on where are they now with their new direction & the bands newest lead singer!
Go to www.truluvmusic.com for more Tru Luv Lopez