

UrbanView – Networking & Music Bring the Area Together. By T.L

Networking & music brings the area together. For the first time in our history the Valley is showing clear signs of growth in the number of artist, promoters, DJ’s, and venues among us. According to my research, the number of legitimate, active, collective local participators and contributors to the music scene has gone up 35% in the last 2 years. With the number of growing socialwebsites with more internet communication it makes networking more accessible.

Traditionally, networking is conducted on a one on one basis through contacts you meet or are introduced to. In Modesto alone, there are over 25 venues, clubs & bars combined that provide music to the public. In addition, there are active DJ’s spinning at all the high schools, wedding & street festivals. There are a number of other events that come and go where getting the word out is a challenge but is very important and has to be done on a regular basis.

Everyone is connected in the network. Local radio DJ’s and radio stations use the air waves to network, DJ’s from the valley are still active in the industry and stay connected. Artists and DJs are networking the valley from Merced to Modesto, and even Stockton as part of the 209, even though they are in the San Joaquin County. Big name artist are booked year round bringing more entertainment to the valley making more opportunities. The Gallo Center plays a major role in our entertainment followed by the State Theatre ,The Fat Cat and so on. If you are an up and coming artist or active participator, you should already be aware of the entertainment connections, the venue, the media and their involvement of our growth. The annual Modesto Area Music Awards caters to all genre of music and educating yourself and staying up to date should be a part of your agenda. We have gathered a few comments and advice from well respected Promoters & DJs in our area and we asked the question: Is networking important? And if so, how is it important?

D. Ferreira Thesedays networking is very important. And you have so many more ways to do it.Sure you can go to public events and meet people and hand out business cards but social media plays such a big part in networking these days. I would say that 80 percent of my networking is done through social media. Because I think it’s easier for somebody to get information on your services and request reviews on your services through social media. Plus not all people are able to go to mixers and meet people but they can all go on Facebook. And to be honest I’ve got more business from networking than I have by advertising. So I think it’s safe to say without networking I’d be not working.

ChrisRicci Networking is an important component of the symbiotic nature of community. When I meet new people I am always surprised by how many exciting new ways that we can worktogether to accomplish things. It is very important to the events I produce, both big and small.