
Serving Civic Pride Since 1997

Variant B.1.351 Detected in Stanislaus County

Variant B.1.351 Detected in Stanislaus County

Stanislaus County, CA — First two cases of SARS-CoV-2 Variant B.1.351 have been detected in Stanislaus
County. This is the variant that was first identified in South Africa and is more infectious with
approximately 50 percent higher transmission rate. The cases are not believed to be travel related.
“The detection of the B.1.351 variant in Stanislaus County is concerning, and it is another reminder that
we must continue to follow all guidance to stop the spread of COVID-19,” said Dr. Julie Vaishampayan,
Stanislaus County Public Health Officer. “Many people remain to be vaccinated in our community, and
we must continue to stop the spread, using the tools that have proven to work throughout this
pandemic. It is vital for everyone, including those who have been vaccinated, to continue to follow
recommendations that prevent the spread of disease, which include testing, masking, distancing, and
getting the vaccine.”
As many areas lift restrictions, Public Health reminds the public that although many activities are now
permitted, they are higher risk. Community members are asked to continue following these safety
guidelines to keep everyone safe and protected from COVID-19:
1. Get Tested. Testing remains a vital surveillance tool in reducing the spread of COVID-19 and helps
us advance to the next tier by improving the overall percent positive tests and the State’s
“adjustment” of the County’s case rate.
2. Wear a mask. Wearing a mask when in public or around those who are not a part of your
household will help stop the spread.
3. Maintain a safe distance from others. Keeping a safe distance from those who do not live with
you is effective at keeping the coronavirus away.
4. Avoid crowds. The fewer people you encounter or interact with, the lower the chance the virus
will spread. Move activities outdoors. Outdoor activities are far safer than indoor activities due to
better ventilation.
5. Stay Home when sick.
Stanislaus County Public Health continues to work closely with all our partners in the Emergency
Operations Center to address the COVID-19 pandemic through guidance provided by the U.S. Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the California Department of Public Health, and other partners.
For more information on the cases in Stanislaus County, please visit