

By Chris Murphy

Veterans Day is November 11.
We remember and recognize those that have served and still serve today. We can’t forget the sacrifices that the few make for so many. It is important to remember as we face a more complicated world and we only go into battle only when necessary that there are so many ready to serve and all of their lives are valuable. My uncle Chuck served on an aircraft carrier, my brother-in-law Danny served in the Navy and so many friends that we all know are veterans. My good friend Steve Perry served in the Navy and we feature him on our cover this month as Thanksgiving is the time of homecoming and thanks. Their stories are important to learn and their experiences can teach you a lot. So let’s make sure that we are flying our flags on November 11. Originally known as Armistice Day to commemorate the end of hostilities at the end of World War I on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. It was renamed Veterans Day in 1954

Here are some of the events that will mark Veterans Day.

9:30 am – The Veterans Day Parade in downtown Modesto is organized by local vets to honor fellow veterans’ service to this country. The community supports this event with marching bands, classic cars and other community groups participating. The parade will proceed down Needham to Graceada Park. After the parade, there will be a program at Graceada Park in Mancini Bowl at 10:45 AM. The parade and program in the park are organized by local veterans honoring and remembering veterans and active duty military. The parade will include military vehicles, marching bands, classic cars and 4 Grand Marshals from the Korean War. The family friendly program at Graceada Park will include tunes by the MJC Band, patriotic speeches by local leaders, and a 21-gun salute and taps on the 11th minute of the 11th hour of the 11th day. To participate or for more information, call Becky Crow at 209-484-7166 or email to<>.

Dedication of the Stanislaus Veterans Center November 11th at 3:30 PM at Coffee & Sylvan. The Veterans Foundation of Stanislaus County has partnered with the City of Modesto and Stanislaus County to build a one-stop service center for all of the veterans of the County. This unique partnership between a city, county and nonprofit to support veterans has only been done in a handful of places nationwide. The new center will feature a large banquet hall, conference center, Veterans Service Office, Area Agency on Aging, and the Community Services Agency. The program will feature speeches from local leaders, tours and light refreshments. For more information, contact Becky Crow, CEO Veterans Foundation of Stanislaus County at 209-484-7166.

Modesto Symphony will Honor’s Veterans at their November 11th performance of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9, at the Gallo Center – 8pm

November 9, Turlock – 8th Annual Thank a Veteran event, CSU Stanislaus

November 11, Turlock Wounded Warriors Golf Tournament, Turlock Golf and Country Club

November 11 – Escalon – Presented by American Legion post 263 Parade begins at 10:30 am with a scheduled flyover from the Commemorative Air Force, entries need to be in by Nov 7 There is a memorial service & chicken BBQ following at the community center. Call All Bellinger for more info 209-838-3388

November 11 – Manteca – You need to visit downtown Manteca as they will put out over 2400 flags commemorating the day. It is truly impressive.

November 11 – Oakdale Public Schools – There will be a ceremony recognizing Veterans and their families at the school at 2:20. For information on attending, please contact 405-771-3373

As we get closer to November 11, please check our event calendar for updated information and new events. If you are hosting an event, please email us at<>