
Vintage Memories 1973

Vintage Memories
By Michael Lingg

This photo was loaned to me by Dave Kamrar, one of the original owners of
the Vintage Restaurant. It was taken just when the place was completed and
ready to open to the public in 1973 (I think in March). Live music every
night (but for years without a dance floor – people actually listened).
Solos, duos, trios and occasionally up to 5 or 6 would squeeze together on
stage. Rarely ever a drummer. Yet it was certainly not just a “folk club”.
I don’t think there was any other venue like it in the Valley.

A month or so after the Vintage opened, I came up from Santa Monica to
visit friends and family. At a friend’s band rehearsal I met Bruce
Johnson. We talked about music for hours. He said this new popular
restaurant downtown was packed every night, they were hiring waiters and
the tips were good. So the next day I went down and got hired. Bruce found
me there and we sat, looking at the stage thinking that a CS&N type of
harmony trio would be
perfect there. I had played with Patrick Durr in bands before I left for
graduate school, so we called him and Home Grown started playing at the
Vintage in May of 1973.

I often think that Home Grown couldn’t have existed without a place like
the Vintage for us to perform, especially on a regular basis (which was
once or twice a week for quite some time).

By the way, the Vintage was located at 11th and K St., where there is now
a parking garage.